20 Signs that you are an Introvert and how to make new friends

Madhan Raj
Introvert Lifesyle from Wander App
2 min readJan 22, 2018

If you wondering if you are an extrovert or an introvert, we are going to enumerate 20 signs that show that you are an introvert.

1. You often feel alone in a crowd

2. You don’t like talking much

3. You don’t like going to parties

4. You easily get distracted

5. You don’t like noise

6. You like to be alone

7. You get tired after been out for a long period of time

8. You like computers and coding

9. You don’t like sitting in the middle of people

10. You avoid audience participation

11. You notice details

12. You find it difficult to network

13. You don’t like small talks

14. You don’t have many friends

15. They are good listeners

16. You’ve been told that you’re too intense or too boring

17. Talking on the phone doesn’t sound fun to you

18. You like writing

19. You like to think

20. You are gentle and easy going

How to Make Friends as an Introvert

1. Say “Hello” to people

2. Attend classes of interest — Attend classes that you have interest in and meet other people in the class. This is one of the easiest ways to make new friends as an introvert.

3. Go to the gym

4. Ask questions — When you ask questions, it gives people the opportunity to answer freely and strike a conversation with you.

5. Keep a smiling and welcoming face — People won’t want to come to you when your face is always moody and unhappy.

6. Use social media — Different types of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, e.t.c,

7. Attend social events as much as possible

8. Make a conscious decision to make new friends

9. Be open to people

10. Don’t be afraid of rejection

You can chat with Introverts at Wander app

#SociableIntrovert — Wander

