In search for destination

Introvert Writers Guild
1 min readFeb 20, 2018

All roads lead to a destination,
with no vying end.
Miles ahead guided by a map;
no stoplights to bring about a halt,
even when roads overlap,
with officers in full assault
there is always a drive to venture the unknown.

Fresh and well-aged vehicles alike,
no matter where the occasion,
home always welcomes even at twilight.
Transit strives to refrain
from the inevitable bumps and bruises
keeping the driver on the edge of his seat,
steady with adequate recluses.

That is to say, whether or not
the gas tank is half empty or half full,
or an unpainted speed bump saluting a crash,
a station to refuel as vehicles slow down
will pacify other drivers with identical motion.

It is when the drivers remove their car keys
that they see to recharge their batteries.
But for a vehicle to travel lightly
with such novelty and an empty passenger’s seat,
the destination finds the driver
and not the other way around.



Introvert Writers Guild

Writing is the embodiment of freedom. It is the ability to see art through the mundane.