Driving Innovation with Open Source: CNCF Names Intuit Top End User

Meghan Murphy
Intuit Engineering
3 min readOct 28, 2022


At Intuit, we’re humbled and inspired every day by our friends and colleagues in the cloud-native ecosystem. That’s why it is an incredible honor to be recognized by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as the Top End User of 2022 for our contributions to the cloud-native community at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America this week.

Intuit believes in the power of open collaboration and is committed to our role as users and maintainers. Driving innovation in cloud native can only be driven by an active end user community that brings diverse use cases to light and leverages expertise across the ecosystem. It would not be possible without all the contributors and maintainers out there — thank you! Building and open sourcing new technologies to support this community is critical to Intuit’s own financial technology platform, which is fueling innovation at scale for more than 100 million consumer and small business customers with TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks, and Mailchimp.

Modern SaaS powered by cloud native

Over the last five years, our technology has evolved from a siloed stack to a platform with deep cloud-native capabilities — today 100% of our services are built on top of a modern SaaS environment.

Having operationalized hundreds of Kubernetes clusters that run more than 3,000 services in pre-production and prod, the Intuit team has taken put learnings into solving issues around multi-tenancy, security, compliance, networking and operations. These learnings became tools and are available to the community for anyone deploying Kubernetes at scale with projects like Keiko, Admiral, and Argo.

“At Intuit, our investment in cloud-native technologies, such as Kubernetes, Argo, and many other CNCF projects has been pivotal to our ability to fuel product innovation, serving more than 100 million consumer and small business customers worldwide,” said Intuit Senior Vice President of Product Development, Pratik Wadher. “The foundation of Intuit’s financial technology platform is a modern development environment that’s led to a 6X increase in development velocity since FY20. We’re honored to be recognized by CNCF as a Top End User for our contributions. We look forward to our continued collaboration to drive cloud-native technology advancements with this incredible community.”

Many CNCF projects, such as Fluentd, Prometheus, and Istio, have helped Intuit develop, deploy, and operate software at scale. These cloud-native technologies have significantly reduced software release cycle times, from weeks to days or hours, and helped us reduce MTTR from hours to minutes. We’re also actively engaged with the CNCF End User Community as co-chairs of the service mesh end-user SIGs. Of course, one of our biggest commitments includes the Argo Project, which we contributed to CNCF in 2020.

Accelerating the Next 6X in dev velocity with AIOps cloud-native innovations

Our team is especially excited to catalyze the next phase of AIOps innovation for the industry — while driving the next 6X in development velocity here at Intuit — with our newest open source project: Numaproj.

Our vision for this next-generation collection of tools is to build an even smarter platform and to deliver simpler user experiences with real-time analytics and AIOps on Kubernetes. Rather than configuring and managing the underlying infrastructure, application teams will be able to specify high-level requirements for running their applications. Using AIOps to derive real-time, actionable insights from operational data, the platform will quickly detect, isolate and remediate production problems, and automatically tune many system parameters that are manually configured by developers and platform engineers today.

Join us on our journey building Numaproj — check out this technical blog, go to the repo, and watch the demo of Argo Observability powered by Numaproj at ArgoCon 2022.

We’re grateful to the CNCF for creating an incredible organization and platform for cloud-native technology innovation and open collaboration with tens of thousands of contributors and end users. We look forward to what the future holds as we continue to tackle large-scale technology challenges as one global community in support of one another’s success.



Meghan Murphy
Intuit Engineering

Director of Developer Relations at Intuit. Previously DevRel at MuleSoft, Community at Twilio.