Bionic Reading — Read Fast & Absorb More!!

Karthik Vadhri
Intuition Matters
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2022

We’ve all read books that we thought we understood, only to find out later that our understanding was flawed. It’s frustrating, but there’s no reason why this should happen. The problem is that the human brain is not designed for rapid reading — our minds can’t handle it well enough. The result has been a proliferation of complex jargon and jargon-filled writing in the digital age; much of what we read on social media or online news sites is beyond anyone’s comprehension level. But now there may be an answer: bionic reading could help us understand more in less time by making reading easier and faster than ever before!

The goal of bionic reading is simple: we want computers to process our thoughts so we don’t have to think much!

Bionic Reading — The Magic: Source

What is Bionic Reading?

Bionic reading is a new way of reading that will change how we consume text. It will allow you to make sense of the content and retain more information. Bionic reading is a patented technology, founded by Renato Casutt, a typographic designer from Switzerland with 25 years of experience. The word “bionic” is composed of the terms bios (life) and technology. We use the human brain, a phenomenon of nature, and combine it with our reading technology. And therefore stands “Bionic Reading”.
Its just a simple tweak to how we read, by highlighting important parts of text, in such a way that guides our eye over the test & enables the brain to remember previously learned words quickly. This eliminates the need for the eyes to process the entire word before the brain can understand.

Why we need bionic reading?

Bionic reading will help us to read more, learn faster and understand more.

  • Attention spans are getting shorter each year as well due mostly from social media usage but also due to easy accesses on mobile phones where one can check Facebook updates while driving down any street without having any anxiety about someone else texting behind you! This means less time spent reading.
  • The amount of content being produced is rapidly growing. 4.4 million new blog posts are published every day across all platforms.
  • Reading is becoming faster than ever before as technology has advanced over the years. The speed at which we can accomplish tasks in our day-to-day life is increasing every day, making it easier for people who struggle with dyslexia or other disabilities that impair their ability to comprehend written text on paper (and other formats like video).
  • Can be personalised to adapt to the needs of readers.

Bionic reading promises to make readers understand more in less time

Does it really work?

Bionic Reading is a combination of NLP, machine learning and artificial intelligence that can read and understand content on the internet. Bionic reading will be able to create fixation points in text without losing its meaning. This will improve your decision making ability and provide you with more understanding while reading.

It is achieved through the use of deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs are essentially collections of complex algorithms that have been trained on large amounts of data. And what makes bionic reading so exciting is that it’s not just about predicting what you want to know next — it’s about understanding how people think and make decisions.

Bionic Reading is here to stay & revolutionise the way we read.

You might now be wondering if this is all just a fuss in the air? There is research being done to understand the efficacy of bionic reading and improving the product to incorporate customisations & optimisations.

Excited to experience the magic of reading? Below are a few links that illustrates how to install the Bionic Reading plugin on your Chrome browser & let your eyes and brain work faster!
Google Chrome Extension
Bionic Reading App — Try the magic of Bionic reading.

Bionic reading is a revolutionary technology, that works by creating artificial fixation spots, drawing reader’s attention to highlighted letters, guiding eyes through the relevant parts of the word & leaving the brain to complete the word. Still in its nascent phases, has a lot of potential to be unfolded! Stay tuned to experience the magic of bionic reading take over all forms of content we consume every day.

