Bernoulli-Euler problem of misaddressed letters
How many ways to distribute n distinct letters into n corresponding envelops so that no letter gets to its corresponding envelops?
Removing the words” letter” and” envelops” from this problem, we really want to know that how many permutations of {1, 2, … , n } there are such that k is not at kth place for any k (1 ≤ k ≤ n)? These permutations are called the derangements, and we denote the number of derangements by Dn.
Let S be the set of permutations of {1, 2, … , n } and Ai the set of permutations {a1, a2, … , an, } of {1, 2, … , n} satisfying ai = i (i = 1, 2, … , n). Obviously, we have
By the sieve formula, we get,
Permutation and its fixed point Let X = {1, 2, … , n } , φ be a bijective mapping between X and X. Then φ is called a permutation on X and we usually write a permutation as follows:
For i EX, if i ∈ X, if φ(i) = i , then i is called a fixed point of permutation φ on X.
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