Computer Science

Is AI a threat to [real] programmers?

ChatGPT: “You are correct, the definition of the Vec2D type is not necessary in the example I provided. I apologize for the mistake.”

Published in
14 min readDec 22, 2022


Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash

I was sure I wouldn’t publish any new story this year when I posted my not-anymore-closure for 2022. I was, obviously, wrong. It seems I was too much in a hurry with that.

Because — yeah, everybody’s talking about it — yesterday I managed to test OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool for myself. For the first time.

Seeing with my own eyes what others had pretty much already shared online wasn’t a powerful trigger itself, but some things about my otherwise short experience with this new AI software were, and I had to write my thoughts here as well.

And as much as I’d like to be and (Apple-esque or not) think different, I won’t be an exception this time: I’m posting about the topic that many other people write about these days.

ChatGPT is, in my opinion, just too impressive to ignore or leave for some other time!

To be clear from the start: given ChatGPT, and other AI tools like the GitHub Copilot, and what-not-else, no, I don’t fear of losing my programmer job soon. Instead, I think we’ll all just…




Software Developer • Rust, Swift, WPF, Web • MacBook enthusiast • fashion design • EDM • absurdism • writing from Cluj