
Is information matter (#24)

Michael Dalton


Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

This article provides some background about Constructor Theory to help explain the findings in the next article on ‘Does Dark Matter Exist?’ One of the main researchers in Constructor Theory is David Deutsch of Oxford University. Deutsch is one of the prime theoreticians behind the development of quantum computers. In 2021, an associate of David Deutsch, Chiara Marletto, published a book ‘The Science of Can and Can’t’. This article discusses some of the ideas in this book in the context of the next article on ‘dark matter’.


The main thrust of ‘The Science of Can and Can’t’ involves developing the idea of counterfactuals as the basis for understanding the laws of physics. An example of a counterfactual could be a light on the side of a road that shines red when a car has to stop. If the light is not shining, the car can pass. A physics description of the light would describe something that has a light but would not attach any meaning to that light. The counterfactual approach describes a light that can be on or off; a more complete physics description of the light being on would also need to include a description of the possibility of the light being off.

This counterfactual approach to formulating laws of physics requires identifying the properties of information. Without going…



Michael Dalton

Curious about big questions. Could there be a logical explanation for the origin of the universe? Does life have a purpose? Can we acquire psychic abilities?