
Light after Death

Josh Rutledge
Published in
7 min readSep 14, 2022


Reassimilation to Energy

Just like when we come into life, we spend our time in the beginning in the nursery, in the very first moments of life, getting cared for. Then as our life progresses, we slowly learn more and more about ourselves, and about our surroundings. What we can tolerate what we can’t, how long we can go between meals, how long we can go between naps. Eventually we find out that, hey, we’ve got these two amazing things called feet, and we can use them. Then the world just becomes so amazing for us once we realize that we’re not limited to this very small space that we were born into. Just like this is true for physical birth. It’s true for energy, rebirth, although that is not the right word. Reintroduction or reassimilation is much better.

The energy body, in its completeness exists far beyond or outside of our human physical form, or any physical form for that matter. Imagine it is like a large balloon, floating somewhere above you. You can’t see it. But it’s there. And from that balloon is a tether. That is again invisible, you can’t see it and it comes down and it connects to you and your physical self. A part of your energy body exists and interacts with the world as a part of your physical self. When you dream at night, you connect back to the energy body to upload experiences and memories and download information that you’ll need in the coming days and weeks. So that the energy body, which is a collection and containment of all lives and lifetimes ever lived or to be lived, can store and adapt based on this lifetime’s learnings. When your physical body ceases to exist, or rather, let’s say the machine breaks down and cannot be repaired. The tether that existed is severed to allow your energy self that was inhabiting this physical vessel to reassimilate back into the whole. Like a cup of water being poured back into a pitcher. When this occurs, there’s a part of you that lived for however long you did on this plane of existence as a physical form. And that part of you, that is now part of the whole, still thinks in terms of how it interacted with the physical world. So just like a nursery when you were physically born, you must go through a nursery, as your energy body again. You must forget that you no longer have hands and feet and fingers and ears and eyes and toes. You can still sense everything the same. But it’s different now. And you must forget all those things of your physical life and instead reacclimate yourself to what it’s like to live as an energy being. The time that it takes you to do that is relatively short to you as an energy being, but as an energy being your lifespan is vast, almost what we would consider infinite. It takes very little time for you as an energy being to reacclimate. But for the rest of those still in this physical form existing in the time construct. For them, it seems like a long time, this is often seen or experienced when interacting with spirit or ghost, as some people call it.

There are two types of ghosts that exist in the world, there are ghosts that are an echo of a moment, a snapshot in time. And that those echoes, just repeat the same activities repeatedly, like a record on skip. Then the second type is an actual intelligent or interactive ghost and that that spirit is a part of the detachment process as a part of the reacclimating process back to the spirit body. The spirit is allowed to go back and interact in the physical plane, in its spirit body physical form. So, it will oftentimes be photographed or videoed or even felt or seen as they were when they lived on earth in some form or fashion, maybe not what they looked like when they died, it could be that they look like whatever they look like, when they were in their 20s, or the 30s, or 40s. They choose how they want to interact with the space, and they choose how they want to interact with everyone they interact with.

The spiritual body is allowed the transition period to realize that they’re no longer in a physical form, they have no limitations now on how they can interact with the world and spacetime. And they’re given the opportunity to go back and interact with loved ones or someone that they felt a really strong attachment to, or even potentially someone that had wronged them, and they want to make amends with them before moving on to the next chapter of their existence. Again, time for them is a snap of a finger or a blink of an eye. But that time for those in the physical that are still limited is experienced differently. We can interact with spirits that are 100 or 200 years old, or more. And for us, it seems like it’s a long time, that they would be in spirit form, but it’s simply because the way we look at time and the way they look at time is completely different. The time it takes each spirit to acclimate also varies. Some may acclimate rather quickly and some not. Just like children some crawl, walk, talk, run before others The key takeaway here is that when someone first dies within the first moments of their death, they’re still learning what it is to no longer have that physical attachment. They’re still very much able to come and talk with you and be with you and listen to you. And if you are so inclined to listen for them, they will pass you messages. Sometimes it may be verbal. Sometimes it may be a song or something you’ve been looking for stumbles across your path.

As their transition period, and their acclimation improves, two things will start to happen. One, they’re able to communicate with you differently. It takes a lot of control over the energy body, to interact in the physical realm without a physical body. To speak, touch things to move things to touch you whatever the case may be. So early on, in their transition cycle, they lack the ability to do such things. As they progress in their transition cycle, those abilities improve. And so, you may notice that your interactions with a deceased individual change as well. Maybe when they first died you got signs here or there. And later, months or years later, now you have dreams where they interact with you in a dream. Or you have things that get moved around in your house to show you that they’re there. Then the second thing that happens as they improve or further along the transition process, their interactions with you become less and less, because they’re almost to the point where they’re acclimated back into their energy body. And so, the need for them to interact in the physical world is no longer present. They may sometimes choose to come back and interact in the physical world. Maybe around special occasions, or moments when you might be feeling sad or lost, they might just pop in to give you a reassuring hug, and that little boost of energy transfer between your two energy bodies.

Once they’ve re acclimated completely with the energy body, they do not need to interact with the physical world. Now they have a choice. They can once again interact with the physical as a physical incarnate. They can become a guide to one or more individual, on the physical plane, to help them in their own journeys towards spiritual growth. Or if they feel like they learned what they needed to learn what they were created to learn, they can pass on to the next realm and leave this space entirely.

Now the funny thing about time, as I said earlier, spirit bodies interact with time differently. It’s all happening at once the past the present and future. So, the spirit body may have chosen to reincarnate. But that reincarnation may be as a physical body that exists in the future, or in the past, to our perspective. So, we may still encounter that energy, we may meet someone and say “you remind me of my grandmother” or “you’re an old soul.” To the energy body, because time is all occurring at once, all of their lives are being experienced and lived at once. So, at any given moment there are lives that are living in the physical space, and there are parts of themselves that are being acclimated and reassimilated back into the whole. At that point in time, they can determine if what they are intending to learn and what they have learned is enough for them to move on to the next plane. Or if they need to, in fact choose additional lives to incarnate as to learn the lessons they need to learn.

The bottom line is that death of the physical is just one small branch of the tree of life. A life which is rich and full of many branches which contribute to the health and growth of the tree. It’s okay to mourn the loss of a close friend, family member, acquaintance, or even someone you never met. But know that you can talk to them anytime you wish as they begin their process to reassimilate back into their energy body. And realize that you too will make that journey one day and you too will be able to interact with those you leave behind.

