
Predicting rotation velocities of stars (# 28)

Michael Dalton


Orbits of stars around black hole at the heart of the Milky Way by European Southern Observatory

The previous article (Testing a new equation for gravity) set out an equation for estimating the rotational velocity of stars. The theory behind this Kolmogorov equation explains why the velocity of stars is inversely related to the distance of a star from the center of gravity i.e. this equation provides a theoretical explanation for Newton’s Inverse Square Law. The theory, however, also implies that the history of the star needs to be included in equations used to predict the velocities of stars. This history needs to include information about the age and temperature of a star as well as how far a star has moved relative to the center of the galaxy. The Kolmogorov equation describes the effect on the velocities of stars for small increments in time. The full history of a star is incorporated into the equation by including the prediction error associated with a star nearer to the center of the galaxy

Data on galaxies

Lack of qualifications in astrophysics and lack of access to computers capable of managing large databases has meant that data about stars in galaxies has not been easy to access. The analysis reported in this article has been carried out using an excel spreadsheet on a personal computer. The primary aim of this article is to provide empirical evidence to show that the…



Michael Dalton

Curious about big questions. Could there be a logical explanation for the origin of the universe? Does life have a purpose? Can we acquire psychic abilities?