Simply PLATO

Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2024

Plato, one of the most influential philosophers of the ancient Greek world, is considered one of the cornerstones of Western philosophy. Throughout the history of philosophy, his thoughts and works have left profound impacts. Plato’s life and philosophical views demonstrate that he is not only a thinker but also an important figure as an educator, a political theorist, and a writer.

Plato’s Life

Plato, born in 427 or 428 BCE in Athens, whose real name is Aristokles, hailed from a noble family and became a disciple of Socrates at a young age. After the execution of Socrates, Plato endeavored to carry on his philosophical legacy. He traveled extensively to acquire knowledge, particularly visiting Egypt and Italy. Upon his return to Athens, he founded a philosophical school named the Academy. The Academy is recognized as one of the first institutions of higher learning in ancient Greece.

Although it is difficult to have precise information about Plato’s life, his ideas and dialogues in his works provide a deep understanding of the period he lived in and his thoughts.

Plato’s Philosophical Views

Plato’s philosophical thoughts have been thoroughly examined in various fields such as idealism, epistemology, ethics, and politics. His ideas, often presented through dialogues in his written works, are usually conveyed through the mouth of Socrates, discussing many concepts.

Plato’s most well-known work is “The Republic” or “Politeia”. In this work, he ponders on how an ideal society should be and how justice can be achieved within that society. According to Plato, the ideal society should be under the leadership of a philosopher-king. He believes that philosophers who attain true knowledge are the most suitable individuals to govern society.

Another important concept is the “Theory of Forms”. According to Plato, everything in the world is a mental copy of the real ideal forms. In other words, he believes that a perfect circle exists in reality, and the circles in the world are imperfect copies of this ideal circle. This idea is considered one of the cornerstones of modern Western philosophy.

Plato’s Legacy

Plato’s thoughts have left deep impacts on various fields such as philosophy, politics, education, and art from ancient Greece to the present day. Especially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Plato’s works garnered significant interest and influenced many thinkers.

Even today, Plato’s philosophical thoughts are still being discussed and examined. His works provide a profound and compelling legacy that delves into the depths of human thought and culture. Plato’s philosophy addresses universal topics such as human existence, knowledge, justice, and virtue, which remain relevant in today’s world.

In conclusion, Plato is considered one of the most important figures in Western philosophy. His works and philosophical thoughts offer a journey into the depths of human thought and culture, and his legacy will continue to influence future generations.




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