
The Theory of the Universe… how we could be living in a black hole

Could we be living in a giant black hole?



Let us go back about 14 billion years. Before everything. The big bang. Or the big bang theory is a theory that astronomers proposed to explain the way the universe was made. The idea that the universe began as just a single point and expanded to what it is today and is still expanding.

A star creates and burns its own fuel and creates powerful energy flowing outward. And as discussed before they have such extremely powerful gravity pushing onto themselves. Because of this it fights the gravity pushing it with its own outwards energy. Eventually when the star loses things to create nuclear fuel and that complete loss of energy causes the insane gravity that was previously pushing down on the insane weight of the star to collapse the star. This is known as a Supernova.

This is usually where a Black Hole is formed.

Now it may just be a little bit of a stretch but what if the big bang was just an incredibly large star multitudes of times larger than our biggest star to create a black whole so large it created a universe.

Singularity and Event Horizon

From the big bang the universe started to expand and expand and is still expanding. This gives us the event horizon. Which in simple terms is a doorway into a black hole or the perimeter of a black hole.

Conflicts with this theory

There are still conflicts with this theory however. For example, the most obvious difference between the black hole and the universe is that the black hole singularity is a point of infinite density in space while the big bang is a time of infinite density in that it includes all space. Even so the difference isn’t as different as it is made out to be.

However, the big bang singularity seems to exist in the past for all of space. While the black hole singularity does the opposite: existing in the future for all of space. Essentially making them seemingly the opposite.

However, to put this into perspective the singularity of a black hole is essentially the all encompassing future for the space time living beneath the event horizon. While in the same way the big bang is the all encompassing past for the outside universe.

Our universe on the left and a black hole on the right

Which brings the question of how we can make a black hole look more like a universe.

This also brings up another point of conflict. There are many of these black hole singularities embedded in a universe while this theory claims that the black hole is the entire universe.

Flipping a black hole

Before I mentioned making a black hole look more like a universe. Well in that case all we need to do is put the singularity in the past which is easy enough because it is just like flipping time in a black hole. This is called a white hole.

Naturally, they are almost completely the opposite. Although both have an event horizon a white hole can only let objects from the inside get out while a black hole pulls things in and does not let them out. Space flows from inside out at the speed of light in a white hole rather than going inside like a black hole.

By flipping it we can see that the white hole that we have made up looks a lot more like our universe.

A past space like singularity and an event horizon that cannot be crossed from the outside. I mean if anyone were to be in this white hole they could just be tricked into thinking that they are just in a regular old universe.


Although it may just be a bit of a stretch, this is a valid theory that many scientists believe is true. Now this could be false and a theory taken way out of context however it does beg just a simple yet complicated question.

What if we are living in a black hole?

