
What Is A ‘Type I Civilization’? And What Should It Be?

Symbiosis and Survival

Marc Barham
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2021


The Drake Equation

Humanity faces crunch time now. The COP26 show has breezed into our lives with lots of sound and media fury and attention, but come this time next week and, it will be nothing more than a memory of another lost opportunity and another epic failure by the great and the good purportedly representing our human civilization.

From what I have seen and heard I can only echo Greta Thunberg’s scathing critique of the show. Russia and China did not even turn up. So the unity is somewhat compromised and so is the outcome. We must rely upon the good faith of those who have signed on and those who have pronounced their good intentions. But as most know, the road to Hell is paved with many good intentions. And Hell is where the catastrophic climate change will take us all on Planet Earth if carbon emissions are not reduced to zero as quickly as possible. And quicker than possible. It is now a necessity for our survival. I am not optimistic. But then I never have been about the climate crisis if left in the hands of the elite and the powerful.

The interests of Global Capital act as a brake upon the dynamic change required in the very power relationship between North and South, between the Developed world and the Drowning world. Nobody…



Marc Barham

Column @ on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site.