Explaining Deep Learning to a Five Year Old

Carlos E. Perez
Intuition Machine
Published in
1 min readDec 13, 2016


Richard Feynman had a method of learning complex subjects. The method is simple, try to explain the complex subject to a five year old. If you can’t do it, go back, refine you language and try again.

Deep Learning is one of those complex subjects that continues to perplex. Here I am going to attempt an explanation that hopefully could be understood by a five year old.

Just read the following:

DE3p Larenn1g mhica3ns wrok smliair to hOw biarns wrok.

Tehse mahcnies wrok by s33nig f22Uy pa773rns and cnonc3t1ng t3Hm t0 fU22y cnoc3tps. T3hy wRok l4y3r by ly43r, j5ut lK1e A f1l73r, t4k1NG cmopl3x sc3n3s aNd br3k41ng tH3m dwon itno s1pmLe iD34s.

I hope this explanation was simple and intuitive enough for you to understand.

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