The Gradients of Linear Regression cost function

Aerin Kim
Published in
Sep 16, 2017


The cost function for linear regression is:

J(theta) = (1/2m) * (X * theta — y)^T * (X * theta — y)

where X is the m by (n+1) design matrix, theta is the (n+1) by 1 parameter vector, y is the m by 1 target vector, and ^T denotes the transpose operator.

To calculate the gradient of J(theta), we need to take the derivative of J(theta) with respect to each element of theta. This can be done using vector multiplication as follows:




Published in IntuitionMath

Some mathematical concepts are more fundamental than others. Without a firm grasp of the earlier principles, progressing through math is a daunting task. This is our attempt to explain foundational math concepts intuitively.

Aerin Kim
Aerin Kim

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