10 Principles To Develop Robust Commercial Product

Pratik Rupareliya
Published in
5 min readFeb 2, 2017

If you are planning to build an IT product to automate and streamline your business operations, then you must be aware of product development is more like a journey than a goal. No matter how experienced enterprise you choose for your product evolution, still they will not be able to deliver you a full-fledged and efficient product within a year or a similarly short time span.

Instant transformation of an idea into a finished product is quite unrealistic. It requires lots of homework such as analysis of competitors’ products, industry trends, customers’ demands, your business requirements, internal processes, external resources, and much more. Don’t forget to count efforts, money and time you are going to invest in it.

After studying all these aspects in detail, define a strategy and a road map of the product flow. It is suggestive to divide the development into different phases to get the benefits of steady and adequate growth of the product.

Product evolution is a constant process as it has to match the frequently changing standards of competition and customer expectations. Invest your time to read out the core values that a product must deliver to the customers.

#1. Real-time Problem Solving

Prime purpose behind a product development is to improve the life of users by addressing the fundamental issues. There are possibilities, today what you see as a problem; it may not be the issue after a particular time period. It may be replaced by new problems. Your product must be compatible to address the updated issues. So, continuous product enhancement is equally important as product development to stay competitive in the market.

#2. Divide a Large Project in a Series of Small Projects

While building a large product it is quite tough to identify the risks of and areas of improvements. By dividing a big project into a small project, according to its modules, functionality or features, it will be easy to stay focused on developing a particular part of the product. To channelize your efforts, define a set of objectives, activities, and deliverable before the project starts.

#3. Make the Right Product Than the Product Right

Focus on building a right product (validation) than the product right (verification). Usually, organizations are willing to launch a perfect product by eliminating minor frictions in various features and functionality to facilitate users with an incredible experience.

Instead of wasting time in the verification of your product whether it is running smoothly or not, try to identify is it appropriate for the recent market requirements. During the enhancement phase, you can improve the performance of your product. However, after launching a full-fledged product, if you realize that it is not up to the mark, then all your efforts are vain.

#4. Prefer to Re-use Over Re-invent

Instead of moving to do something highly innovative in the first trial, it is preferable to re-use latest tools and technologies to improve the speed-to-market of the product. It also helps you in building a more reliable product with reduced development cost.

#5. Fewer Features Convey Clear Value Propositions

There is nothing wrong in offering a complete product that contains all the features and functions. But we can’t deny that it increases time-to-market of the product. Also, introducing too many features, organizations muddle the value proposition of your product.

Focus on delivering essential functions in the first version of your product. Include all the key features in your product that the customers are expecting, but missing in your competitor’s products. Gradually, you can add the required elements and improve the existing aspects on the basis of user feedback.

#6. Attractive Design Appeals More to Users

‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’

Design always entices more to human senses and emotions in compared to words. Fascinating design creates temptation in the users to try your product once. The visuals are dramatically shaping our perceptions. Hence, design can be a key perception driver and game-changing strategy that increases user adoption rate of your product. Poor visuals can easily beat a product, even if it contains excellent performance and usability. So always be careful with your product design.

#7. Make Product as Simple as Possible

Not just to add the required features, but also remove the unnecessary elements during the product development. Cover the core functionality only. It gives a clear idea to the users what your product is all about. They will feel more comfortable with your product and accomplish their target task or activity quickly.

#8. Personalization Matters a Lot

By offering a standardized product, you cannot satisfy all the users. Keep a room for high-end customization as per the specific needs of users. Develop a scalable product that can be easily and quickly customizable. Deliver additional values to the clients by offering a perfect resolution for their precise concerns. If you are interested in facilitating the users with both standardized and customized product development, then here you go.

Develop a standard product that contains all the necessary features. Later on, you can personalize the product by adding the extra features as per clients tailored needs. Define a smart customization strategy and accordingly evolves or integrates right features, functions, and content in the product. It assists users in attaining the ultimate purpose.

#9. Human Touch is Must

Technology is to support humans. It cannot replace the humans. Products are developed to enable the organization to improve their potential by simplifying the process for customers and workforce. Technology can perform the task that human once did, but still human can deliver the extra values where technology cannot. While offering product experience include human behind the technology, it supports the product in establishing a human–to-human relationship.

#10. Animation — An Integral Strategy

Insert clever animations and sleek transition to deliver a delightful experience to the users while they are moving around your product. It should be more than a chuckle or a smiley. Basically, it should be like a user guide. So visitors can operate your system smoothly. It is not compulsory to prepare all the animations at a time and insert them into the product. Launch the first with basic animation; you can improve them in product enhancement phase.

All set to build a next-generation product? Being one of the early adopters of mobile technologies, Intuz holds proven excellence in creating the avant-garde mobile and web products that are highly scalable and flexible in embracing the advanced tools and technologies. We love to simplify the IT for you.

If you have a mobile or web product development requirements in place, don’t feel hesitant to share with us. Intuz promises to deliver the best product by following top-notch industry standards.

Image Credit: Beverage daily

I hope above product development principles help you to build your successful business product and you get maximum ROI for your business. This article was initially published on Intuz.

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Pratik Rupareliya
Editor for

Techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as head of Strategy.