7 Latest Mobile App Trends 2017 for Amazing Customer Experience

Pratik Rupareliya
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2017

The digitized ecosystem in contemporary business calls for sophistication. Market leaders in various domains are keen in cultivating their customer bases through technology. Well, mobile apps carry tremendous potential in shaping the customer experience or user experience, whatever name you give to it.

According to Forbes, we live in a world with around 1.6 million apps around. Out of these, only 200 qualify for 70% of their usability. This leaves us with more than 1.5 million apps failing to qualify for the user experience test. Today, speed and smartness drive business in almost every domain. Irrespective of what you deal with and where you operate, customer experience lies at the top of your prioritization pyramid.

What’s next?

Customers no longer look out for an app that brings the world of product information to their fingertips. They prefer apps that recognize their preferences, save their time and deliver a personalized experience to them.

User experience being the upshot for every industry, killer apps dominate the contemporary digital platforms of business firms. Paradigms of marketing are shifting, with the inception of IoT, AR, VR and various other concepts. Let’s talk about 2017 itself. Seven promising trends of mobile apps are emerging with widespread incorporation in various industries.

IoT (Internet of Things)

A research reveals that 85% of the customers will interact with the brands through technology, removing human agents. Internet of things enhances the customer experience by providing the companies with greater insights into their needs. It reduces their waiting time and leverages communication strategies. A little flick of your wrist can control your smartwatch. Internet of Things is also being incorporated in smart businesses and smart cities. IoT has also bolstered online retail marketing, where customer constantly remain updated with their shopping status. This reduces the number of queries by as much as 80%.

Companies are also integrating IoT to their android app development and iOS app development to keep the customers engaged. Complete a survey or play a game while you are waiting at a store. Thanks to IoT, companies can manage rush hours and tackle pressure.

Related: Bringing Things to Life with IoT

AR (Augmented Reality)

Successful companies often manipulate the empathy of their customers. Augmented reality holds the key in evoking this emotion. The most dominating capability of augmented reality is its ability to blur the lines between real and computer-generated content. In virtual markets, customers can perceive products through augmented reality even if they are not in the store. For instance, customers willing to visit a restaurant can view the edibles from multiple angles. The real look of the dish creates an urge to taste it. This is much more convincing than reading an elaborate description. Various industries are using augmented reality in their apps to enhance their user experience.

Related: Augmented Reality: It’s Not Magic Anymore!

VR (Virtual reality)

Prototyping of products never became easier until virtual reality unleashed itself. From construction firms to automobile industries, every marketer understands the power of virtual reality. It enables customers to visualize the products. Today, Interior designing professionals take their customers through virtual journeys, through proposed housing designs. A single app can comprehend the exact looks of the building, dimension, materials, textures and every little detail of the projects. Take the instance of the healthcare industry. Patients can view the exact mechanism of surgeries before undergoing them. It boosts up the marketing potential of companies.

Related: VR Is Ready to Revolutionize Your Business. Are You?


iBeacons are enabling CPG manufacturers and fashion firms to enhance the digital marketing experience of their clients. The location-oriented sensors can are among the latest range of additions to mobile apps. Now, customers can get the items added to their virtual carts automatically. It is a time-saving process that enhances their shopping experience. iBeacons enable companies to welcome customers with an auto-generated message on their smartphones, as soon as they enter their stores. Customers are also able to view the products through demo videos on their smart devices. Besides, the concepts of indoor mapping and tracking the impact of campaigns are getting newer dimensions with iBeacons. From retails to events and sports to education, every industry now has powerful apps, integrated with iBeacons.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Well, according to a source, Twitter has witnessed a 250% rise in customer interactions in the last couple of years. You must have experienced tools like visual listening and image recognition on various apps. Today, brands are able to assess the way they are being portrayed across digital channels. They can examine their customer experience through artificial intelligence. It is easier for them to locate the crisis areas and improve the experience for their users. The apps come with chatbots, which can help companies reach out to their customers and personalize their requirements. 45% of the retailers operating across the globe plan to bank on the AI in the next three years.

Related: Artificial Intelligence: A Rising Star of Mobile Technology

Big Data

The capability of Big Data to provide any information at any time has empowered brands to understand the needs of their customers. It helps the companies to segment their customers based on their needs and come up with customized solutions. Market leaders are desperate to identify the behavior, workflows, and profiles of their customers. The accuracy Big Data provides to companies helps them to make their products and services better palatable. As a result, customers get tailored services, which develops a stronger affinity between the brands and their buyers.

Read here in detail: How Big Data and Mobile Apps Work Hand in Hand?

Cloud computing

Cloud computing gives customers access to data in real time. They can view and manage their accounts anytime they want, with cloud computing features in their apps. Customers look out for transparency, irrespective of the industry they deal with, and cloud computing presents them with exactly this opportunity. Moreover, With the inception of cloud computing, companies are able to scale their infrastructure according to the market demands. You would agree, that customer engagement is vital in maintaining a favorable rapport with them. Various factors influence the customer experience, and cloud computing helps companies to keep a track on these factors.

2017 has witnessed a fast-paced development in mobile apps, customer experience being the call of the hour. Apps powered with these features translate the virtual ambiance into reality for the customers. Brand leaders across all industries are desperate to streamline their digital journey, pampering their customers with the best level of comfort.

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Pratik Rupareliya
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Techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as head of Strategy.