Seamless Migration from IoT Core to AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub

Pratik Rupareliya
Published in
6 min readApr 27, 2023

Google Cloud IoT Core has been a leader in providing IoT services to millions of applications across the globe. However, it may be time to migrate to either AWS or Azure as the project is getting scrapped. Here’s what you need to know when making the change:

Seamless Migration from IoT Core to AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub

There are several ways to set up your IoT service today, however, none are quite as popular as partnering with a cloud provider such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. This helps set up the IoT service with features such as smooth data flow, cloud-based device management, and smart application functionality.

Using Google Cloud’s IoT Core services, businesses and developers were able to quickly deploy their IoT services on the cloud with ease. This service was first started in 2017 to compete with Microsoft’s and Amazon’s existing cloud-based IoT services.

Unfortunately, things are changing for businesses relying on Google’s IoT Core for their IoT applications. Let’s go over why and how you may migrate from IoT Core to Azure IoT Hub or AWS IoT.

Why You Need to Migrate from Google IoT Core to Another IoT Platform

A recent announcement from Google left the IoT world shaken up when they revealed the closure of their IoT Core service from August 16, 2023. This would cause all applications and devices depending on the Google Cloud IoT Core to cease functioning due to the closure of connections and MQTT and HTTP bridges.

While the decision is sudden, it doesn’t come as a surprise since Google has been known to shut down projects in the past as well. However, Google Cloud’s IoT Core was known to be lacking in features when compared with its competitors including security standards.

While the decision will certainly disappoint certain users, it isn’t the end for your IoT application. As such, the options available to businesses today are to either migrate to another cloud IoT service provider or start their own IoT solution in-house.

We recommend migrating to either Microsoft Azure or Amazon’s AWS as these platforms offer a seamless migration path for your existing application in Google Cloud. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which this migration can be accomplished.

What are the benefits of migrating to AWS IoT from Google IoT Core?

Amazon’s AWS service has made a big name for itself in the world of cloud computing. It offers several features and solutions designed to help your IoT application manage billions of devices. Some of these features include collecting, storing, and analyzing IoT data for various kinds of workloads across the industry.

benefits of migrating from Google IoT Core to AWS IoT

When migrating to AWS from Google IoT Core, you will gain several benefits, such as

  • Expedited IoT App Development

With AWS IoT Core, you’re likely to build your IoT applications faster than before thanks to its reduction of the time-to-market process and overall time and cost savings.

  • Serverless Architecture

Providing a serverless architecture allows users to set up their own servers and reduce costs on their end remotely. AWS also allows you full control over your application, and as such, it can access a broad spectrum of devices.

  • Integration with Other AWS Services

One of the major benefits of migrating to AWS IoT is the seamless integration with other AWS services such as CloudTrail, Lambda, S3, Kinesis, and even Alexa Voice.

  • Better Security

The security services provided by your IoT application will greatly affect how users respond to them. AWS IoT Core includes top-tier security for the data transfer taking place between various applications and smart devices in your IoT network.

  • Simplified Device Management

The device management services for an expansive IoT network are another feature you’re bound to love in AWS IoT. Its intuitive interface lets you seamlessly manage an enormous number of connected devices in your IoT network while providing them with individual privacy.

How do I migrate from Google IoT Core to Azure IoT Hub?

Migrating from Google IoT Core to AWS IoT can be done in multiple ways. You can either do it yourself if you have the necessary capabilities for IoT Azure technology. Or you can partner with an organization that offers professional AWS services. Here are some of the alternatives that can be leveraged for the migration process:

  1. You can enroll in IoT platform migration ideation workshops that are conducted by various AWS IoT partners. These workshops help you define the migration objectives for your organization. They help you build an effective roadmap through which migration to AWS becomes simple and streamlined.
  2. The workshops primarily focus on developing your proof of concept (POC) and migration plan. There are defined methods and strategies designed by Amazon over the years using which the POC is developed.
  3. A Migration Acceleration Program is implemented by the AWS partners, which offer low-cost tools and technologies to automate and accelerate the execution process.
  4. Further, various AWS solutions based on your organization’s needs are formulated. These solutions focus on developing the skills of your teams, which will collectively create, deploy, and operate your AWS infrastructure and apps in the cloud. Note that these operations can also be outsourced to AWS partners who can manage the workings of your apps and workflows.

Benefits of Migrating from the Google IoT Core to the Azure IoT Hub

Microsoft’s Azure platform is a cloud service provider that’s been giving Google Cloud a run for its money. In fact, Microsoft Azure is the second-biggest IoT cloud platform in the world, right after Amazon AWS. Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive when switching to Azure IoT Hub instead of Google IoT Core:

  • Simplicity

Microsoft Azure is ideal for all ages, irrespective of their tech experience. With their simplistic platform, they can offer a plug-and-play service for various devices across the globe.

  • Flexible Pricing

While the Azure IoT range of services involves different pricing for each individual service, the pricing is quite flexible. For instance, getting a combo of services including the chip, operating system, and security services will rarely exceed $8.65.

  • Cool Perks

There are several perks to using the Azure IoT Hub, such as prebuilt app templates, Azure Maps, Azure digital twins, and more. These perks help further boost the value you get for your money when choosing Azure.

  • Strong Security

Similar to AWS, Microsoft Azure has one of the strongest cloud security systems in the world. In fact, it is known to invest approximately $1 billion annually in cybersecurity alone.

  • powerful partner network

Azure also has an expanding list of IoT partners and applications that can help provide you with better solutions for your IoT applications when needed.

The process of migrating to Microsoft Azure is a lot more straightforward than in the case of AWS IoT since Microsoft has provided users with the option of using the IoTC Migrator tool. Using the application, you will be able to implement a DeviceMove command on all your connected devices, which will connect them to the Azure IoT Hub telemetry.

Azure IoT Hub vs. AWS IoT: Which is Better?

While both Azure and AWS are leaders in the IoT sector, there can only be one clear winner. However, the one you use should depend on the requirements of your organization and your IoT application. Here are some of the core feature differences to help you make a more informed decision:

Azure IoT Hub vs. AWS IoT

Final Thoughts

While Google Cloud may be ending its IoT services, it isn’t the end of your IoT application. Switching to either AWS or Azure IoT services can help you gain additional features while saving your application. The above steps should help you accomplish the migration with ease.



Pratik Rupareliya
Editor for

Techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as head of Strategy.