Time Is Running Out for App Companies to Learn A Valuable Lesson

Pratik Rupareliya
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2017

Two decades back, when someone said I am an owner of a company it creates an impression that the person was having a large, mid or small scale manufacturing unit to produce a particular product. But with the time, everything gets changed.

IT sector has changed this perception by introducing more sophisticated and highly professional work culture where everything takes place very systematically. Let me tell you it is one of those industry verticals that attracts people due to its modern work style.

Now, it’s time for mobile apps. There is a list of companies that run their business through a mobile app. And they are quite large in terms of established operational centers and counts of the workforce. A few of them are Uber, Task Rabbit, Candy Crush, GrubHub, etc.

Mobile app market is the next generation of Information Technology; still we can feel the industry culture is the replica of IT. They must set advanced standards and try hard to pursue them to deliver better workplace for the staff and best experience to the end users than other industry domains. Let me explain this through a case of ridesharing giant Uber.

Case of Uber

Since last few days, the ride hiring leader Uber has been in the news due to some hot controversies. You must be aware of Travis Kalanick’s (CEO of Uber) reaction on the sexual harassment in the company and treat a driver with disrespectful manner.

Sexual Harassment

Currently, Uber is dealing with a very serious issue of sexual harassment across the company. One its former lady employee who faced sexual harassment during her work tenure raised her voice to resolve the situation.

Travis Kalanick, the company CEO, consoled her to take strong actions to prevent such circumstances. But he didn’t take any prompt action to address the problem instantly. It’s not limited to a single lady employee, most of the working women of Uber are facing the same issue at the workplace. Infect, the working women of Uber call the sexual Harassment as ‘a systemic problem there’.

Read full story here: https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/24/uber-female-engineers-to-travis-theres-a-systemic-problem-with-sexism-here/

Disrespectful Treatment to an Uber Driver

Another popular case of Uber. One of the Uber Black drivers named ‘Fawzi Kamel’ who is connected to the ride sharing giant complained to the CEO that as the company has declined the prices of rides, he becomes bankrupt. Partnership with Uber costs him $97000, but due to price reduction on each ride he became insolvent.

Rather than providing them a satisfactory resolution, Travis Kalanick insulted him by addressing his concern as “bullshit”. He also told Kamel, “You know what? Some people don’t like to take responsibility for their own shit. They blame everything in their life on somebody else.”

When you are leading and representing such a decent market, you have to tackle all the issues calmly and smartly. Let me admit, Uber CEO failed in that. He also accepted his mistakes. This will bring a loss for the company by losing their employees and customers.

Analyzing existing scenario of Uber, all the app companies have to learn how to develop a friendly and healthy culture for their workforce and end users. Here, we would like to share a few tips that every app company has to follow to enhance and maintain their graph of success.

Read full story here: https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/28/travis-kalanick-apologizes-for-blowing-up-at-uber-driver-who-complained-about-drop-in-pay/

Take Accountability

Take care of all concerns of your customers and employees personally. Take responsibility each positive and negative incidents happen due to your company. Respond quickly to each situation and take a strong action for the to maintain the trust of external and internal resources.

Provide Respectful Treatment

Consider workforce as your assets and not your slaves. Each of the employees must be treated with full respect and fairness. Avoid the partiality and try to deliver a genuine judgment on all the problems raised by your staff irrespective of gender and position difference.

Deliver Value for The Money

Don’t forget you are not just an another firm that believes “customer is king”. Of course, they are, but it’s not enough in today’s dynamic era where you have to deal with constantly changing expectations of users. So, treat your customer as your baby and try to understand their needs at every phase. Especially, when your app interacts with the end customers. Train your employee in such a way that they add value to the user’s experience.

Build Trust

Always try to retain the trust of customers by responding them quickly for any of their issues. Always be enthusiastic to listen to customer’s concerns and believe that they are right. Treat them with respect in case the issue is quite easy to resolve as you are well versed with the app functions than they. Facilitate them with ongoing support and special offers to maintain their interest in your app. It inspires them to use your app again and again.

Each Customer Is VIP for You

Customers hold the ultimate power to get our business down. During the real-time interaction, if they don’t feel good with your app services and commitments they will immediately switch to another same service provider mobile app. So give special treatment to each user by providing them the necessary guidelines about your apps and its services.

Each of the popular app companies has to set the high standards for this emerging industry so that we all can go longer stronger than other industry verticals. A healthy company culture and efficient customer services are the ultimate options to attain and maintain the success for a long-term.

Being a leading mobile app development company, client satisfaction is obviously an ultimate goal of Intuz. But we strongly believe to develop a knowledge oriented and fun loving environment across our talent pools too. Because,

“Take care of your people and they will take care of your customers.”

- Richard Branson.

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Pratik Rupareliya
Editor for

Techno-commercial leader heading Intuz as head of Strategy.