— OpenSource Platform for
Collaborative Scientific Research

Ravi Raja Merugu
Invaana Publications
1 min readSep 24, 2016

Invaana™ is short form for “Invention is Nirvana” or “Innovation is Nirvana”. The word “Nirvana” ( in Buddhism and in Indian religions translates to liberation from rebirths in samsara or in other words ultimate state of life.

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As the title says, Invaana™ is a “collaborative research platform for scientists and developers”. What does that exactly mean ? Let me elaborate, Invaana is a platform that

  1. helps researcher or research scholar in managing and
  2. organising the research,
  3. connects with experts,
  4. help the researcher in getting the job done.

But it’s beyond getting the research done. In any research, every one goes through phases of failures, learnings and finally success. Every one are concerned about the final and successful result. But failed results holds a lot of learnings which many people ignore after their research work is done and all those learnings go wasted.

Through the platform, we help you to organise the research data of learnings, success and failure without you having to take care of them. You take care of the research of research, we organise the data in the background.



Ravi Raja Merugu
Invaana Publications

Diving Deep into Graph Databases | Founder @Invana | Graph Science Lead @EONCollective