Use Theodore Roosevelt’s Legendary Productivity Techniques And Accomplish More Than You Ever Thought Possible

How one of the world’s greatest presidents accomplished more in twenty minutes than most do in two hours.

Sukhroop Singh
Invariably Growth


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Theodore Roosevelt is widely considered one of the most productive human beings in history. Besides being America’s youngest president, he also wrote 40 published books, was an avid sportsman, and was a police commissioner and assistant secretary in New York City and the Navy.

His ability to accomplish so much in so little time is nothing short of astounding. In fact, a look at his daily schedule during his vice presidency under William McKinley demonstrates just how rigidly Roosevelt planned his schedule.

7:00 AM Breakfast
7:30 AM A speech
8:00 AM Reading a historical work
9:00 AM A speech
10:00 AM Dictating letters
11:00 AM Discussing Montana mines
11:30 AM A speech
12:00 PM Reading an ornithological work
12:30 PM A speech
1:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM A speech
2:30 PM Reading Sir Walter Scott
3:00 PM Answering telegrams
3:45 PM A speech
4:00 PM Meeting the press
4:30 PM Reading
5:00 PM A speech
6:00 PM Reading
7:00 PM Supper
8–10 PM Speaking
11:00 PM Reading alone in his car
12:00 AM To bed



Sukhroop Singh
Invariably Growth

Sukhroop Singh is a Youtuber, reader, and avid lover of philosophy and basketball | www.