How Blogging Can Affect Your Tech Venture

Sama Samrin
Invariant Telecom
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2018

Blogging is not the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of an IT company. In the long run, however, it may prove to be a powerful tool in the growth of your tech venture. Regular blogging can help with both the productivity of your team and the popularity of your company. “How!” you ask? Let’s go through the answer points one by one.

  1. Tracking Progress

The practice of blogging can help the employees keep a track of their overall progress. It may not be as comprehensive as a standalone issue tracking software system. However, it will provide an easy way for the team members to view where the ongoing projects currently stand. They can gain this insight at specific intervals of a week to a month. Over the course of time, this will help to keep them aware of the achievements and motivate them to contribute to the team’s future success.

2. Sharing Knowledge

A full-fledged IT company typically assigns its employees into different teams for efficient development and production. Each of these teams dedicates itself to a singular aspect of the whole process. So they experience unique difficulties along the way which they also have to resolve later.

The detailed accounts of these experiences and the subsequent solution both can prove to be quite beneficial for their fellow teams. When any of the fellow teams face a similar issue, they will know how to resolve it fast and effectively. Blogging can be a way to disclose such information and share one team’s knowledge with others.

3. Insight for Future Employees

When a new member joins the team, s/he can know all about the work methodologies and the office culture from the company’s official blogs. It will be much easier for him/her to get the hang of things and thus the gross productivity bar will also go up.

However, for this to really succeed, the bloggers have the responsibility to include such insights in their posts. While the formal tone is encouraged in all corporate endeavors, some occasional informality does no harm. A healthy dose of informality, in fact, adds some fun to the conventional monotonous tone and inspires readers to keep going.

4. One-stop Tutorial for Users

Why should an official blog only help out the workers? Let your blog also be a medium of connecting to your current users and potential users. Introduce them to all the cool features you all have implemented in your products. If there is an easter egg hidden behind any feature, the users will be delighted to discover it.

Besides, since all major blogging platforms have the luxury of comments, they can also provide a quick feedback on your blog post. And as we all know, user feedbacks are always welcome as they tell us which part of our product needs improvement.

Mind you, these blogs will not serve the purpose of technical documentation. Those documentations are meant for the internal members who need to actively work on these products. These blogs will be completely user-oriented. Their language will be simple, understandable and lively. You can also discuss some technical topics here in a non-technical way to make it easier for the readers.

5. Popularity Boost

Your blogs will not only reach the current users but also make an appearance before the non-users. If they like what they see, they may even take the chance of trying your product right away.

For example, maybe you just posted a piece about this new app you all developed. It can then reach the non-users and one of them may get interested enough to install the app right away. This way, your user-base may see a rise in number and thus gain higher popularity.

6. Brings Web Traffic

The readers who have some extra enthusiasm can also pay a visit to your company’s website. In the age of Google, this will take less than a minute. While it may not create much of a difference for them, these visits can pull in a much higher web traffic for your company.

Our team has noticed all these factors and their significance in our growth as a brand. That is why, we have taken the initiative of publishing multiple articles each month based on our experiences, learnings and any such relevant topic. Keep an eye on our publication page to read the new blogs and enjoy your ride with us.



Sama Samrin
Invariant Telecom

Grad Student in Computer Science | Experienced Content Writer