ChatGPT — The Next Step in the Evolution of Human Consciousness

Does A.I. have any significance for your spiritual growth?

Muang'Akili Tum'zito


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer-3) language model developed by OpenAI. It is specifically designed for use in chatbots and other conversational systems, and is trained to generate responses that are relevant, engaging, and natural-sounding. It is able to generate responses to a wide range of input, including open-ended questions, and can even provide context-aware responses based on past conversations. Overall, chatgpt is a powerful tool for building conversational AI systems.

This was written by Chatgpt A.I. bot.

After the beta release of this chatbot, a lot of people were impressed by its ability to engage in conversation. In addition, it was able to tell you exactly what you were looking for. Though this technology has been around for a while, it has never been this good.

The thing that amazed me the most was being able to write valid computer code that you can simply copy and paste to run the software. It can write code for a calculator, a chat app, and many more.

I mean there are other things like asking it to solve physics problems, write an essay, and many other scientific questions that would take hours to solve. There is a guy who created an entire app with this chatbot. Another person created an entire website from the ground up including images and written content in 3 hours.

The potential for this is not going to end here. However, just imagine being able to design your own vehicle the way you want it to be without the need to spend years in school and hire a lot of experts.

The misconception of A.I.

There are lots of things that need to be clarified about how it works and what it really means for our future generation. Think about the invention of the digital calculator, at that time people thought it was a huge step forward, then they invented computers, and this too was another leap, then it came to the internet, then mobile phones, and now we are dealing with A.I.

A.I. does not think, nor does it come up with original or independent ideas; everything it creates is based on what it was trained to do. And here is a threshold where we can really separate a machine from a human. Since, in addition to having a human body, we have other aspects of ourselves that we have yet to explore. Therefore, if all our physical needs are met, we can begin to explore our higher selves.

Now everyone will be able to do whatever they want to do without being constrained by their knowledge.

Personally, I don’t think it is a bad or a positive thing, but it really depends on how we use it. Knowledge of smelting iron is neither good nor bad, but it matters depending on how one uses it.

How about losing our jobs?

I know there are people who need to feed their kids and have bills to pay. But seriously, can you listen to yourself for a minute? Is your life all about paying your bills and feeding your kids? If this burden were taken away from you, would you have other better things to do?

During the industrial revolution, a lot of people lost their jobs as farmers and other labor workers. However, society in general got one less thing to worry about and could focus on doing better things for themselves. Instead of doing the same thing over and over damaging your brain and your soul, why don’t you be glad for a minute?

Spirituality, conspiracy theories, and A.I

This then raises the question of whether will we still be humans. Or Will this reduce our humanity? I wrote another article a while ago, explaining how artificial intelligence was something ancient. This is because when we began to use external tools and gain knowledge, that was the dawn of artificial intelligence. So, it is too late for us to jump off the wagon because we are in its territory.

Here is the thing to ask yourself.

  • Does your body make you who you are?
  • If you had a chance to change the world, how would you do it?
  • If you don’t like A.I., why are you even on the internet?

In many of my channeled sessions, it is that human history is far more complicated than what we were taught in school. This is because these human inventions are tools to compensate for what was lost. Imagine you are an amputee with a prosthetic arm. Would you rather remain an amputee or would you rather get crutches or a prosthetic arm? And would a prosthetic arm make you less human?

Consider artificial intelligence for humanity as a prosthetic arm for amputees.


While we have achieved a lot as a race, we should be aware of the consequences of our inventions. This includes the use of natural resources, the abuse of power, and helping those in need. The majority of minerals used in electronics are obtained from conflict zones. Many workers are underpaid and work in hazardous environments, and animals are experimented on. In order to advance as a race, we must first try to become conscious of how we obtain or create what we have.



Muang'Akili Tum'zito

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.