Applying Maslow to Wellness

PepTalk with coach Moon 

Eric Moon
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Ever notice who buys the $100 activity trackers spends time logging information to health apps on smart phones, and engages in the latest trendy exercise? I’ll bet it is mostly healthy and semi wealthy people. I once offered a group either a $100 Fitbit activity tracker vs a $25 Sandwich shop gift card and the food option was the choice nearly 5 to 1. Why? Those folks are worried about the bottom part of the pyramid. If your employees need adequate food and rest, then build your wellness around those features for example by making healthy food available at fast-food comparable prices and adding flex time scheduling. Each layer contains topics that are within the “wellness” scope. If incentives and bribes for health program participation are getting the most attention, you may need to rethink your approach. Most companies will have multiple sub cultures or hierarchical needs within. Cater to them all. Don’t write off the folks who aren’t ready for kale chips in the vending machine, break time mediation and hot room yoga. Meet them where they are and help them help themselves one level at a time.



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!