Forget low hanging fruit, chose the ripest!

10 good choices, 10 words or less #35

Eric Moon
Invest 1 minute here!
2 min readMay 29, 2014


Watch people examine the fruit at the supermarket, only the most symmetrical; bruise free, most appealing fruit is selected. Remember Rocky IV, Ivan Drago is the perfect orange compared to Rocky Balboa the bruised and battled orange. Who were we rooting for and who won? If fact the most misshapen and imperfect fruit has slightly greater nutritional value due to its struggle to fruition. The orange that didn’t quite get the perfect sunlight by being hidden behind another orange has worked just a bit harder to make it to ripeness. A wellness example, offering gym memberships to those who already pay for them is the perfect low hanging fruit but getting someone to join a group fitness class with co-workers offered at your facility is giving the second orange more access the sun it needs. In the vineyard, grapes are harvested accordance to sweetness, plumpness, climate, pH, and use. Not all grapes are the same, and neither is your population. Forget going after the low hanging fruit, pick the ripest. You will have greater individual success, boost you success percentage and deliver real value to the C- suite not just phony participation numbers. Here are 10 good ways to fine the ripest wellness candidates within your company.

1. Survey well, and get specific on needs and interests.

2. Review your claims data from your carrier.

3. Form a democratic committee for input.

4. Conduct random focus groups/interviews. (Avoid the choir)

5. What results do you or your C-suite want…exactly?

6. Pilot programs with smaller groups.

7. Try something, fail fast, fix it or nix it.

8. Use personality tests to find strengths and maximize them

9. Focus on human behavior, humans are predictably irrational!

10. You’re the farmer, harvest wisely!



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!