Freelorie, Junch and Glorior….

Some health and lifestyle related word mashups

Eric Moon
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2 min readJul 18, 2014


How conversationally clever we have become… We have so little time and so many new emotions that we need new adjectives!

Linguists call them “portmanteau words” or “portmanteaus,” which means “blend”. Basically word mashups: you know what I’m talking about… you take two existing words that you want to combine — chocolate and spectacular, (both passed spell check) for example you get “Choctacular” or the Elf inspired giant and enormous equaling “Ginormous”. You just mash them together, usually the front part of one with the back part of the other.. Other ones you use all the time, some poppy while other are solidly entrenched into our vernacular. Listen to anyone speaking a different language and then you hear a “word” you recognize, probably one of these new words….

From carjack to camcorder to Brangelina and jorts, some are useful, others not. Did you know malware is malicious software and we all should know what chillax is? Dog lovers are expert mash up makers, consider labradoodle and shi poo. I even looked some of these up on Wikipedia, and mashup itself. Try to Guesstimate how many mashups you use as part of your regular language. Heck… even internet is one. Do you speak Spanglish? All mashups!

I offer you few good one’s I have heard relating more to our daily grind and existence impacting our wellbeing…

Voluntold- Being told that you will be volunteering.

Trapezing- Traipsing and swinging on a trapeze- all over the place but not excited about it.

Grubbish- Break room food, anything food like or ‘grub’ leftover that we eat because of stress or for comfort when it should have gone in the trash. Don’t grab that half eaten éclair out of the trash….! (Seinfeld lovers!)

Crazzled — Crazy and frazzled, this will soon replace the “crazy busy” answer everyone always gives because they haven’t gotten back to you… “I have been just crazy busy…..”

Tina Fey put hangry on the map, anger induced by hunger, a very real emotion indeed.

Here are a few I mashed up….

Freelorie- it is free empty calories that you should NOT eat, candy from a bowl just because it was there…. The stat is something like only 15 % of people actually buy candy, but over 80% eat it”. People stop buying candy, come up with a better desk decoration.

Junch- Junk and lunch, when you openly declared you are going make poor food choices, eat in excess and celebrate the deed. You are temporarily Fappy, that being fat and happy….

Wastercise- Wasting your time by not exercising but hanging out in exercise environments.

Glorior- a modern day faux warrior (at work or the gym) who is seeking the spotlight for heroics rather than fighting for the cause.

Let’s give it up for the English language, we can mix it, mash it and have some fun with it. To my former English teacher’s I apologize but hey.. at least I’m a triteter, a trite writer…



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!