Healthy living is just so hard to do… really?

List #32 10 good choices, 10 words or less.

Eric Moon
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1 min readMay 6, 2014


Dr. Sanjay Gupta is well known for bringing the public medical news, insights and breakthroughs in health and medicine. He has also written several books based upon his reporting and experiences. Calorie restriction has become his preferred method for healthier living. American culture makes this difficult because we typically have access to more food, excess calories, and more poor choices making good choices difficult. Refusal to eat more is more taxing on our willpower than just being denied more due to lack of it. If it is there, we eat it, and we have food everywhere.

1. Eat slowly, so sip water, or set fork down often.

2. Make all portions palm sized, eat no “seconds”.

3. Snack, don’t “starve”, and don’t “stuff” yourself.

4. Eat foods in raw and natural state when available.

5. Avoid excessive and unnecessary screening but stay “self-health” vigilant.

6. Have purpose and purposeful, positive, personal relationships.

7. Become more organized in thoughts and actions.

8. Be optimistic, and positive. It is actually easy.

9. Take six “5 minute walks” a day and stretch hourly.

10. Meditation or quiet personal time is a must!



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!