Is your wellness program “liver and onions”?

10 good choices, 10 words or less List #36

Eric Moon
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2 min readJun 2, 2014


Everyone thinks world health is an admirable goal we should all aspire to but looking good in your swimsuit is a much better motivation for individuals to get off the couch. You can’t give everyone recycle containers because it is good for the planet and expect everyone to fill them. They have to personally engage. Wellness it is not a one-step direct business model that can just be deployed. It is more of a human nature and culture change model. Some people see wellness like “liver and onions” some people like it but most think it isn’t for them. You may prepare “liver and onions” like a 5 star IRON CHEF but can you get someone to try it? You can’t force them, and you can’t belittle them about their health or chastise them because they are afraid to try something new. Finally you shouldn’t bribe them. That not only misses the wellness point but sets a dangerous precedent. Behavior change is more fluid than linear. As a wellness IRON CHEF you must display skills in the kitchen; you listen to understand what kind of food and preparation techniques your group is familiar with and then when the time is right, they will try your cooking but watch out! Just like everything else if the first experience is a poor, it make be long time before they are willing to try again so 10 hints to cook up a good batch of wellness!

1. Take your time.

2. Expect a mess.

3. Consider your abilities, resources and guests.

4. Commit to the task.

5. Observe all dos and don’ts.

6. Plan ahead, what is your recipe?

7. Use fresh ingredients.

8. Listen to your wisdom and experience.

9. Don’t burn it!

10. Make it fun!



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!