Is your XL getting snug? 

10 Good Choices, 10 words or less list #40

Eric Moon
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2 min readJun 13, 2014


Let’s face it, whether they meant to or not, the food industry has put most of us in XL’s by using brain science, biology, and our evolutionary trail to sell us the saltiest, fattiest, and sweetest food they could produce. They found our weaknesses and exposed them. All hope is not lost however. To quote a famous politician “All of what is wrong in America can be fixed by all that is right in America”.

1. Did you eat something today only because of learned habit? Y/ N

2. Did you eat fast food and want more? Y / N

3. Did five hours or more without eating and then binge? Y / N

4. Did you eat too little in the morning and then overeat? Y / N

5. Did you make food choices based upon cues like commercials? Y / N

6. Did you eat a lot of high-fat, salty, fried or sweet foods? Y / N

7. Did you eat poorly because your peers made poor choices? Y / N

8. Did you eat according to mood rather than hunger today? Y / N

9. Did you eat as a stress response? Y / N

10. Did you eat for comfort and pleasure? Y / N

If you answered yes to one or more questions, take some time to plan how you can avoid these problems in the future. Look for patterns or triggers that you see causing or leading you to make balanced, good choices or overeating and poor food choices.



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!