What type of “clutter” person are you? 

10 good choices, 10 words or less, list #43

Eric Moon
Invest 1 minute here!
2 min readJul 3, 2014


Clean freaks, hoarders, over- organizers, Junkers and pickers- We are “looney” when it comes to our stuff hand how we keep it. Look at the ‘hoarder’ style shows. We watch because we may feel a bit like them, know someone like that or find some satisfaction in the fact that someone is crazier than you. What is almost sadistic is that portable storage companies advertise during those types of shows. I recently learned from author Gretchen Rubin the different types of clutter. Nostalgic or old memories clutter, conservation clutter- Oh… I’ll use it later, bargain clutter- unnecessary sale items, freebie clutter -worthless trinkets and tchotchkes, crutch clutter- stuff you use but you shouldn’t, aspirational clutter — you have never used it but think you will someday, outgrown clutter- once useful but no longer. Buyer’s remorse clutter- stuff you bought and keep because you feel bad for the purchase. Ouch right! No one is immune. Some people just organize and clean their clutter but we all love our stuff.

Try this -clean out a closet, you have less stuff but you have more clothes to wear. Junk attracts junk so avoid the inescapable black hole of accumulation. Consider the simple joy you have when returning something to its proper place or gazing at a room, freshly cleaned. SO imagine the feelings of success beyond the procrastinating and complaining about how unenjoyable a cleaning job will be. Once you dive in, you will do more than you thought you would, you’ll discover it wasn’t’ as bad as you previously thought and you maybe find a few long lost items and lonely socks! Here some direct simple action strategies for you and your stuff.

1. Admit you have some “stuff” issues and confront them.

2. Clean out your email, unsubscribe to junk, sort and block.

3. Clean up your office space, don’t just make new piles.

4. At home, declare a “room rescue”, clean, sort, donate.

5. Clean out your phone, eliminate worthless apps and distractors.

6. Gently begin to unfriend people you don’t know.

7. Turn your hodgepodge keepsakes into a displayable project.

8. Recruit a trusted “organized” friend to help.

9. Have a “life” garage sale. You know what I mean!

10. Use it up, wear it out, make it do or toss it out!



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!