Why do we dream of vacations just so we can sleep?

10 good choices, 10 words or less #45 Sleep

Eric Moon
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2 min readJul 8, 2014


Why is it that when we fantasize about the dream vacation, one of the highlights is just getting enough sleep? You pay thousands to travel to an exotic location so you can sleep in! Deep restful sleep makes the highlight reel for a great weekend. Sad but true. Sleep is so very important yet so subtle that it neglected. Like oil to an engine, a relatively cheap and simple maintenance procedure but when the oil is neglected, very serious things can happen. Let’s not leave out all of the negative effects that inadequate sleep can have on personal and work relationships. From Irritability to the inability to perform your daily tasks and functions, sleep is a constant facet of your overall existence. Try these 10 good choices for improving your sleep.

1. Make sure your bed is spacious, cool, clean, peaceful and comfortable.

2. Make your bedroom primarily a place for sleeping. Your body recognizes that this is a place for rest, not working and eating, lap topping, video gaming or social media.

3. Hide your clock. A big, illuminated digital clock may cause you to focus on the time and make you feel stressed and anxious. Place your clock so you can’t see the time when you are in bed. Set the “Do not disturb’ feature on your phone.

  1. Keep a regular schedule. -Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Find out how much you need, use a journal, a log or a sleep tracker.
  2. Monitor and understand your caffeine intake and sensitivity.

6. Don’t binge and purge with your sleep. Don’t make a habit of weekend oversleeping. No more “all-nighters” because you plan and prepare properly now right?

7. Relax in low lighting for a while before going to bed. –just use lamp light after dinner, ease your brain into sleep mode with cues. This may include reading, meditation, relaxation and/or breathing exercises, or taking a warm bath. Listening to soft music, sipping a cup of herbal tea, etc., cues your body that it’s time to slow down and begin to prepare for sleep.

8. Jot down all of your concerns and worries. Anxiety excites the nervous system, so your brain sends messages to the adrenal glands, making you more alert. Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, so you don’t need ruminate all night. A journal or “to do” list may be very helpful in letting you put away these concerns until the next day when you are fresh.

9. Avoid frequent or dependence on “over-the-counter” sleep aids. If you have severe sleep issues, talk to a doctor or visit a sleep disorder clinic.

10. Make sleep a priority.



Eric Moon
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Eric Moon- Health Coach/Wellness Consultant/Author/Public speaker/ Adventurer/Idea-Gym- Where ideas work out!