BIP39 Colors, A Tool To Store Your Bitcoin Private Keys In Colors

Meghalya Pant
Invest Gaming Journal
4 min readJul 17, 2023

Stop worrying about word lists and alphanumeric strings: a new Bitcoin program allows you to conceal the password to your cash behind a rainbow.

Being owned is utilized to make up nine-tenths of the law. In the age of immutable blockchains, however, the owner of the private keys is what matters most.

You shouldn’t save your secret code in written form. Keeping private keys secure from hackers (both online and offline) is inconvenient. After all, a large portion of our industry is committed to reducing that burden.

Hordes of crypto wallet firms are hellbent on removing private keys from the user experience in the most environmentally friendly manner possible, much like supermarkets separate society from the brutal reality of industrial farming.

Entero Positivo, a Bitcoin developer, released “BIP39 Colors” a few weeks ago. It is an open-source program that can turn one’s BIP39 mnemonic phrase into a set of colors and vice versa.

“With this technique, you can change your 12-word phrase to 8 colors or your 24-word phrase to 16 colors,” Positivo told Decrypt. “Then you can change your colors to the state of the original seed,” he added.

Why Not Use Seed Phrase to Save Your Crypto?

  • Writing down your seed word on a small piece of paper and concealing it- you can miss it or others can read it.
  • Keeping your seed phrase on a sealed device- sometimes you can forget the device where you kept it.
  • Maintaining your seed phrase in memory- you can forget at any time.

Bitcoin users may now paint their seed phrases with a new open-source program. It converts the BIP39 mnemonic system’s 2,048 words into a key of hex codes.

— — — — — — — -A seed phrase will be encrypted in this format.

For example, a BIP39 seed phrase created at random: “abandon, lonely, leopard, make, amateur, music, mystery, bless, ocean, odor, swamp, sunset,” translates to #00006E #26C5E3 #3EADB4 #6507F0 #7BDBD1 #A656E8 #B8F9F9 #DDE3AD.

It’s a key for encrypting the 12 words into eight six-character strings. Each hex code corresponds to a distinct color, and there are over 16.8 million (25⁶³) of them.

The program is so easy that you could convert seed words into hex codes by hand (all you need is a basic understanding of computers).

How Does BIP39 Work?

BIP39 is a method of producing a seed phrase, which is an organized collection of 12 to 24 words containing the data required to generate a private key, which is needed to establish and get into one’s Bitcoin wallet.

The uniformity of mnemonic phrases was intended to assist in making it simpler for users to retrieve their cryptocurrency if they lost their wallet device, by reducing their complicated private key into a collection of accessible words.

Most wallet sellers now advise customers to put their 12 words on a piece of paper as an additional record and retain it hidden from others. However, as Positivo notes, keeping one’s crypto in the form of a list of 12 words is quite evident to hackers or criminals who come upon the list.

Colors, on the other hand, “are all around.” A secret key may be kept in plain view and no one would know.

“A sheet with 12 words is more doubtful than a color because no one can find in what color order you have generated your private seed phrase,” he said.

The program generates colors in the form of a hex color code, which is a six-digit format that identifies practically every color as a mix of red, blue, and green. These colors can be kept in “several files,” according to Positivo, such as HTML, CSS, or the color scheme of a PNG.

Unlike the word-based approach, one does not need to recall the “order” of the colors to retrieve one’s seed: all that is required is that all colors are available.

According to the creator, the versatility of this storage option may make it harder for governments to grab someone’s Bitcoin.

“You can give one color to your loved ones and another within your website, yet another written down in a book, and in the future, you can retrieve your seed from these agnostic colors,” he wrote.

The developer also included guidelines for decoding one’s BIP39 colors back into their mnemonic phrase using only a calculator and no other tools.

Closing Thoughts

This new coloring system attracts many people but it is susceptible whether it will seal your security completely or not. There is a chance of forgetting your color orders too.

Let’s see how it is going to change the level of security in securing private keys.

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Meghalya Pant
Invest Gaming Journal

I am a Crypto Consultant with expertise in all popular crypto projects like Ethereum, Flow, Solana, etc.