Active Shooter Early Warning

The Thriving Writer,
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2022


Agmas powered by NvisiLink by Espre Technologies, Inc.

The Washington Post reports that over 311,000 students have been victims of school gun violence since 1999. Of the nearly 370 injured, shooters killed 185 children, educators, and others.

The latest attack in May on the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were gunned down, makes clear we need an early warning system alert for ambush attacks.

Like many of you — as a parent and grandparent — I cannot imagine the pain these families are experiencing. I had to ask myself what I could do to help prevent another tragedy like this? It occurred to me that I can adapt our technology to help save lives on the battlefield and in everyday communities. As the saying goes, "we have the technology." We can use it to make the world safer.

Agmas from Espre Technologies' NvisiLink creates a virtual shelter to evacuate students, educators, and staff safely before the assailant claims their first victim.

For over five years, forward-thinkers at the U.S. Department of Defense and private investors have trusted Espre Technologies to develop solutions for the battlefield and beyond, resulting in 30+ domestic and international patents.

We maintain the standard with our echolocation app that identifies the shooter and quickly directs those in the line of fire into a safe zone.

Acoustic Gun Monitoring Alert System

(Agmas) or Echo Positioning

1. AI (Artificial Intelligence) app on the phone recognizes the sound of a firearm discharging in the vicinity. AI app activates Agmas Protocol System.

2. The Agmas Protocol is an intelligent and automated protective safety net to shield children during an active shooting in large gatherings such as schools, daycare, and amusement parks.

3. The heart of the system is the NvisiLink unbreakable wireless meshing network, which transforms all the smartphones in the area into echo localization range/mapping system to identify safe zones for evacuation and pinpoint shooter(s) location(s)

Agmas Response Part 1

A. The Agmas Protocol immediately switches all smartphones to the NvisiLink-enabled WiFi mesh network.

B. Acoustic triggered Smartphones flood the area with uncoordinated Safety on Software "SOS" beacons, containing their cellular provided network time at the time of each gunfire and their GPS location (if available) in the message body to NvisiLink enabled WiFi AP

C. NvisiLink-enabled WiFi AP(s) can receive the flood of "SOS" beacons without collision. It can sort out each unique identifiable signature associated with each smartphone and cross-reference against a known database of users to which it has access locally. Two processes occur within the processor on the AP (Agmas Protocol)

a) The range, time, and GPS create a digital map near the shooting and geolocation on the possible position(s) of the shooter(s).

b) Digital map information is stored in memory and updated as new beacons are received

c) This digital map and situational status is shared with all the NvisiLink AP within range and downloaded to the users associated with them

Agmas Response Part 2

A. Any NvisiLink dongle paired with a smartphone receiving an "SOS" beacon shall process the "SOS" beacon

a) By recording the range, time, and shooter(s), estimate position(s) in the phone memory with a unique identifier for each detected signature

b) Subsequent "SOS" beacon to chronicle the history of the message information

c) This digital map and situational status is shared with all the NvisiLink AP within range and downloaded to the users associated with them

d) Respond to "SOS" if a specified amount of time has elapsed (1, 5, or 10 seconds) since the "SOS" last beacon transmission while not within a safety zone

e) While in the safety zone, continually monitoring incoming "SOS" beacons from compromised areas tracks the conflict's progress.

Agmas Part 3: Getting Help

• NvisiLink enabled WiFi AP(s) to issue an "Amber" Alert type message to law enforcement agencies, first responders, news media, and parents of the children registered in its database via cellular messaging or email, relaying the latest real-time information on the situation for the active shooter.

• NvisiLink mesh network will afford law enforcement agencies accessibility to teachers, counselors, or other authority figures to coordinate evacuation or hostage rescue.

The inclusive design of the Agmas protocol early warning system will incorporate assistive technology tools to protect the most vulnerable in dangerous situations.

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The Thriving Writer,
InvestEspreTech covering how we use technology in media, entertainment, public sector, and scheduled passenger air travel.