Month in review: March

Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2022

Hello Investin community,

We hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of Solana Summer as we chew glass to compose over all of Solana defi into Investin. We have set some high goals for this quarter i.e. to integrate new protocols into Investin every month and continue until Investin becomes the de facto protocol to trade or invest into defi.

In short the summary will be broken down in following topics:

  1. Jupiter integrated
  2. RPC improvements
  3. Friktion integration
  4. Removed minimum return %
  5. Technical upgrades

Jupiter integrated🔗

After spending alot of sleepless nights figuring out the architecture we were able to pull off the integration successfully and the swaps have been working flawlessly, allowing fund managers to swap large amounts of tokens at best prices. We look forward on keeping this integration updated with new features from Jupiter.

RPC improvements⚡️

We have improved the web3 logic to submit transactions on-chain and using high end rpc infra of our partner protocols i.e Mango and Jupiter to serve Investin users. And we recently added an feature to add custom rpc urls if the users wish to use Investin with their own high performance nodes.

Friktion integration🔥

Solana’s leading DOV protocol friktion will be very soon integrated into Investin allowing fund mangers to access double digit passive gains. This integration allows Investin to offer active management over passive vaults and generate yields irrespective of market conditions.

Good stuff.

Minimum return percentage⁉️

Investin’s architecture had a minimum return percentage that barred fund managers from collecting fee unless they perform above x% for investors. This feature was added to increase investor confidence because the performance fee would only be charged if ones investment did x% but this feature allowed investors to game the system and withdraw just before the minimum return % was reached. After much discussion with our community members we removed this feature and now allow fund managers to collect performance fee over any % of profit they give to their investors.

Technical improvements⛏

Investin interface churns a lot of data from blockchain to show all the fund/investment stats with unmatched defi experience we pushed some major performance upgrades, more info here.

Gonna rollout a new integration every month, buckle up!

💬 Join Us!

