Sobek Venture Bank: Africa’s 1st venture bank.

Sean Ndiho Obedih
Investing in Africa.
3 min readSep 8, 2015
Pitching this project to Arnold Ekpe Chairman of Atlas Mara & Ex CEO of Ecobank (09/2014)
Africa’s 1st venture Bank.

There are a few dates that matter the most in one’s life, the date you are born , the date you are married , the date your first child is born and the day you die.

Well i should add another one to that list, the day one of your dreams come true. Today is that day for me.

Today, i officially unveiled something that has taken me 35 years to achieve. This is not just another business project, it is a combination of everything that i have done since 2006 when i first registered my first business, a decision that ultimately changed my life and hopefully this will be my life’s work.

Ever since i could remember, i always wanted to start a bank but i never thought i would ever achieve it or ever saw myself working in the city as a banker but God had other plans, my role was not to work in banks it was to disrupt banks, building a full stack business bank and i got the best training from the best course that any serious entrepreneur should take at the University of Buckingham

I would occasionally mention it to people and they would laugh. So i kept it inside and worked on other things, kept reading about how most of the world’s well known banks were started, who started them and what qualifications they had how much money that they had etc . It’s suffice to say that the only common thread was overcoming fear of failure to do it. Casing point the story of Ecobank which serves as a testament that anything is possible with grit and determination. Video: We face forward: The Ecobank Story

So here we are Sobek Venture Bank , Africa 1st Venture Bank.

So why the name Sobek?

Sobek was an Egyptian god who protected the Nile and ensured that the Egyptian people were prosperous and that’s the role that we see Sobek Venture Bank playing.

Sobek God of the Nile

Here are my reasons why i feel that this is the time to start Africa 1st Venture Bank and the future of business banking across Africa.

Here’s the Top 5 Tech Companies who raised the most funding in 2014

Full story here

I would like to thank everyone that has helped me over the past 5 years, especially those that advised me over the past 2 years while i was working on making this dream a reality, i have paid a very high tuition but i hope that you will see that it wasn’t in vain.

Those who achieve great things are the ones willing to be scared but not scared off. If you dream big and take risks, impossible becomes just a word.

To God be the glory.

