Understanding what; too “Look For,” under an Investors Microscope!

Joseph Botelho
Investing with Gold
4 min readDec 30, 2013


Reviewing the activity and performance of gold, really hard to understand, who is right, or who is wrong? I understand the most important factor, you can not reproduce gold. That’s the main reason I like this asset, and why it will have the predictions, results of many of the best minds who, are experts in this field.

It’s performing like a professional sports team, has a great and long winning streak, but just can not make it happen with the main obstacles; that have a personal effect on this asset. Yes emotions, media, volume, and the demand will increase in the upcoming months. The main reason it is having a hard time, is all the manipulations that is going on behind the scene.

Stocks, Commodities, Options, are all under the investors microscope, this creates windows of opportunities for us investors, who have a basic understanding of this formula. Actually what they use to teach us in grade 9 economical’s, when I went to school, never forgotten that lesson. Sorry; showing my age, my hair helps me in that department.

We as investors need security, for our financial future, who do we trust, when we are investing, scams are the special of most restaurants dinner, and lunch features of the day. Brokers get paid for pushing what the brokerage house has not sold, they need to sizzle that special, like it’s the bargain of the century. This is called left overs, just like the restaurants who offer their daily specials, who wants to be stuck with dead wood or eat lousy food.

Now that we understand the above reasons, why investing companies always have the pick of the century, that will produce a very handsome ROI. No different then when you sit down at a restaurant, first thing, they offer, is their daily specials. The both have one goal, to get rid of their specials and offers from the brokerage house. Why they have sales meetings. This is all pre mediated!

Investing is always going to be a very complex-ed, complicated, as well as a gamble; with money you can afford to invest with, or perhaps your just taking a very highly uneducated risk with money that you can not afford, to gamble with. Dumb, we always say that after we get shafted again, not very smart at all. This is called an emotional state of mind, just like buying a vehicle for all the wrong reason’s.

The information l am sharing is very logical, for many reason’s; that make sense, when you review this blog, l have provide you with many links, to educate your abilities, and desire, for success, with out a gamble.

Now all you have to do, is educate yourself, why hand over your hard earned money to a total stranger, when he is sell your something you would encounter in the rain forest, called quick sand! No one needs this at our age. So book mark this site, for information that you will find on this blog, that will enhance and improve and provide you with a brighter financial future.

OK at what cost, less then your spending right now. Your time also has a price, results are vital. So why do most mistake activities for results? Never could understand that concept, cause your lazy. Did l say that out loud?

Why most fail with their investments!

No this blog will not provide you with all the answers, but if your an investor, I learned something back when I was in grade 9, that actually works to this day. Not going to bore you with that illustration, not really complicated either, but time consuming for me to explain it to you. You will find all them answers somewhere on this blog.

What it will do; is make you a wiser investor, definitely much more educated with a financial plan that makes sense without all them calculated risks, we done our home work. Is what you will learn, from following this blog..

It’s no secret, I am dedicated to one company that provides me with all l have shared. This is a business I have studied since I was a kid. I think we all can benefit; from what you will understand, and why it works…

Sounds like I am trying to sell you on this blog, but guess what your right, and so is the price. Free! What will make it complicated, is your thinking of why it will not work, spending more time, on the wrong reason’s. This is a proven fact!



Joseph Botelho
Investing with Gold

We all want to create a side hustle where we can make an additional amount of money each day, week so we have enough to pay bills and all the other expenses.