Weekly Digest 2020.12.14–12.20

Ting-Hao Chen
Investment Notes
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2020

Macro Insights

(1) New Data: CPI & PPI in November 2020

  • CPI MoM declines 0.6% and the price of pork MoM declines 6.5%. The supply of pork is recovering, so the price of it is decreasing.
  • CPI YoY declines 0.5% and the price of pork YoY declines 12.5%. The base of the price of pork is too high last year, so the YoY price decreases sharply.
  • PPI MoM grows 0.5% and many raw materials have simultaneously grow.
  • PPI YoY declines 1.5%.

(2) M1 — M2 is shrinking

  • M1 YoY — M2 YoY = -0.7. When M1 YoY is higher than than M2 YoY, the investors are more optimistic than pessimistic.

(3) Inflation is coming

  • After 11 years, CPI YoY turns to negative again. However, it does not mean a deflation is coming.
  • With massive easy money policy, inflation will come eventually. Normally the inflation happens after 6–12 months of the easy money policy.
  • US central bank balance sheet: USD$ 7.13 trillion; China central bank balance sheet: CNY¥ 37.18 trillion

(4) Central Economic Work Conference

  • Expand domestic demand and increase consumption and investment. Consumption: automotive, sinking market, education, medical care, old-age care, child-care. Investment: Digital economy, new infrastructure, high-end manufacturing, logistics.
  • Highlight antitrust policy. Share prices of large Internet companies may fall recently. The government continue to promote scientific and technological innovation, such as encouraging investment in science and technology rather than real estate.

Trader’s Insights

(1) Stock Market

  • Inventory has bounce back from the bottom and the momentum of sales has consistently increased.
  • The ratio of copper and gold is also a good indicator of economic position. Copper is used as industrial material and gold is used as hedge usage. When economic is getting better, the demand of copper will increase and the demand of gold will decrease.
  • A share turnover: CNY¥ 3.68 Trillion
  • Northbound: CNY¥ 8.48 Billion
  • Dow Jones Index, S&P 500 and Nasdaq Index prepare to remove some Chinese company from their components

(2) Forex Market

  • Chinese Yuan remains strong. In order to shrink the interest rate between US and China, Chinese government increases MLF with total CNY¥ 350 billion this month.

(3) Commodity Market

  • The prices of thermal coal and iron increase, because the supply is tight and the demand is high.

(4) Bond Market

  • China 10Y bond remains strong, while US 10Y bond still in the bottom.

(5) Individual Stock

  • Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine (恒瑞医药 600276) increases 18.06%. The PD-1 anti-cancer drug might enter health insurance, so the stock goes high.

Portfolio Management

(1) Strategies

  • The economic in China keeps recovering, so cyclical stocks are recommend.

(2) Portfolio

  • Increase the holding of 融通行业景气混合A (161606), 工银新金融股票 (001054)


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