A Rushed Phone Call During The Rush Hour And I Was Onboard!

InSide InVideo
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2021

Whether it is in a game of cricket or at work, Rohan is a team-player who is here not just to solve problems but to learn while doing so!

How did you come across InVideo?

I was part of the MassBlurb engineering team and thus, followed Sanket on social media since then. That is how I was learned that InVideo, as a product, existed and was solving problems in the video space.

What was your interview experience like?

I was on the local train, traveling through morning rush hour, on my way to my office. That’s when Sanket called and said, “App bana rahe hai, aaja!” (We’re making an app. Come!) And that same evening, I visited the InVideo office to understand more and that was it, I said yes.

I had previously worked with few guys from the tech team in Sanket’s previous venture MassBlurb. So, there was no formal technical interview.

Why InVideo?

It is a unique opportunity to work on something innovative and not repetitive. Also, there is the problem-solving and solution selling vision. As an engineer, I found it very exciting and hence I chose to be part of this team.

InVideo’s product is not like every other CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application out there. It involves learning about core libraries, maximizing hardware potential, and some GPU-level programming as well.

I was excited to deep dive into all of it and here, I could learn and make all this.

Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

It is not a single incident but was an everyday thing. While we use to work out of WeWork Powai, you could see the whole team work and play together.

Everyone, including leadership, would get excited to play cricket in the evening for an hour with the same level of excitement for work the whole day. It gives a very good feeling of working together towards the same goal.



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.