How a Passion For Music Led Me To InVideo

Shubham’s responsible for keeping our clients happy, and he does it superbly! Read on to find out what makes him happy.

InSide InVideo
2 min readSep 22, 2020


  • How did you come across InVideo?

My friend Bipin was an intern here and he used to talk about his work; making videos for Sony music which was really fascinating. I was interested in the music industry and was keen on getting into it. When I lost my existing job and he told me that there’s an opening here, I immediately contacted the team!

  • What was your interview experience like?

It was a very in-depth conversation with Abhilash, probably an hour or so. From my background to how I got into engineering and music, and how I will be the best here. I still remember Abhilash asking me how do you want to bring your engineering in this domain to which I replied ‘I’m very adaptive’ and since I was always interested in music, I knew this would be a great thing for me.

  • Why InVideo?

Firstly, InVideo helped me at a crucial point in time when I’d lost my job. But most importantly, when I’m working in the music industry, having to work with the video domain helps a lot to understand how the world works.

I’m sure Invideo’s going to be a market leader for the kind of tech we are creating. I definitely want to be part of that.

  • Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

It was when I handed over to sales from account management — the shift has been surreal it wasn’t a warm switch but I’m really happy that I’m contributing in company’s growth in a huge way :)



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.