I got by with a little help from a friend!

InSide InVideo
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2020

Designing is in his blood, and he proves it everyday. We cannot imagine the team without Tampi!

How did you come across InVideo?

A friend recommended me for the job. So glad for that!

What was your interview experience like?

My interview took place in the old Supreme Business Park office in Powai, Mumbai. On arriving, the security guard stopped me and asked me where I was headed, to which I told him that I had an interview at InVideo. He instantly told me no such place existed. In a state of absolute confusion and panic, I called up the above mentioned friend, who chuckled and said “Arrey, no no, say Loginext not InVideo!”

So then I entered the Loginext office, for my InVideo interview. :P

I met Sanket, Indrajit, and Rahul Singh for a wonderful chat. We spoke about the tool, they reviewed my work, and you guys know what happens next.

Why InVideo?

I was looking for a job in Mumbai, so when my friend recommended me, I thought I’d check them out. I stayed because of the people, because honestly they’re very open, friendly and get straight to the point. There’s no internal conflict or politics, or at least I haven’t come across it. When I first joined the design team, it just consisted of 3 people, and that’s including me!

We developed a strong bond in order to deal with the large volumes of work that used to come in. I wouldn’t have been here without them.

Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

The day the design team (back then consisting of only 3 people) worked till 4 am at the office, with Sanket and Harsh is definitely unforgettable. We also ate Biryani that night, came back to the office the next day at 1pm.



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.