I Was InVideo’s First Client

InSide InVideo
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020

Rumit Anand, Head of Product, is the wittiest most useful (also scariest) guy in the company. He’s the reason why we’re on our toes most days of the week and we won’t have it any other way.

  • How did you come across InVideo?

At my previous company, we were looking for a way to make videos at scale quickly, and InVideo seemed like the perfect way to do it. They were exclusively B2B at that point. In a nutshell, I was Sanket’s first client.

  • What was your interview experience like?

It was not an interview. It never is at InVideo. I was just a client until I essentially became a soundboard for Sanket in his journey of creating a B2C product with InVideo. About three years after that, I was looking for a change and Sanket had just raised funding. He said, “Aa jao” and I had no reason to say No to him. It was a match made in heaven!

  • Why InVideo?

Invideo felt like a place where everyone had a common purpose and winning attitude. A place where culture eats strategy for breakfast.

  • Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

The high point for me was building a team from nothing. Zero to hero. We got an analyst from someplace, a designer from another, a project manager from yet another corner. Building a star product team from scratch has been the highlight of my InVideo journey until now.



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.