InVideo Was Exactly The Kind Of Opportunity I Was Looking For When I Got A Call From The CEO

InSide InVideo
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2020

Diksha joined us in July 2020 and she absolutely loves what she does — exactly the reason why we hired her. This is her InVideo hiring story.

  • How did you come across InVideo?

A friend referred me to Sanket (CEO) as a “content rockstar”. In no time, a whatsapp group was made and I was introduced to Sanket. Next thing I knew, we were on a call chatting about InVideo. I didn’t know such a product existed in the market and I was surprised they weren’t viral yet. That’s exactly what I asked Sanket — why is this not viral yet? It’s the need of the hour, the lockdown especially forced most of us to learn the art of video creation!

  • What was your interview experience like?

On my first call with Sanket, I didn’t even know they were hiring, I just thought he needed some content advice and I had all the time to give him that. The conversation, however, was so honest that I asked him if he was hiring for a full-time position and he said “Yes!” I was glad because I absolutely loved the product and I’m sure Sanket could see that as well. The next 2 days went in interviews and probably 30 minutes after my last interview round, I got a call from Sanket with the offer. I was extremely impressed and I told him that the hiring process was so quick and seamless, I don’t think I expected that. It never happens. I was in love with the company already because of how they valued my time. And I confirmed if they do the same for everyone and Sanket said, “Yes, we don’t believe in keeping the person waiting!” I tried to follow the same policy for when I was hiring later for my team — such a hiring experience is invaluable I feel.

  • Why InVideo?

Like I said before, I was shocked that I didn’t know such a product existed in the market and I instantly wanted to join, just to let the world know of this beauty. It’s almost criminal if a video creator does not know this product, especially at a time when everyone is creating videos every day from the comforts of their homes! InVideo is essentially empowering all the video creators in the world to scale their video creation on a daily basis and that’s the major reason I wanted to be a part. And I absolutely love what we’re creating here!

  • Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

My first wild project that we call “Wild templates” (until further notice). It was a good experience because the approval process doesn’t take forever here, in fact it happens instantly. It was only possible because crazy ideas and ones are welcome in this company and that’s why it feels like home!



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.