Sanket Found Me, Thanks To My Linkedin Post

InSide InVideo
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2020

Nishant combs through thousands of data points every day, to tell us what’s working and what’s not. Here’s his story!

  • How did you come across InVideo?

Sanket (Co-Founder) found me when I wrote a LinkedIn post about sudden Layoffs at my ex-company and my immediate availability. It was a quick process from there!

  • What was your interview experience like?

It was super fast. 5 interview rounds + 1 Assignment within a week. Invideo guys have a knack of spotting good talent and going after them aggressively. I had two more offers, one of which was paying potloads of money. However the words used by Sanket, Rumit and Rishen were so powerful, persuasive and mesmerising that I just couldn’t say no. And I am glad I didn’t :)

  • Why InVideo?

Smart people. High ambitions. “Dhandha” oriented founders. Employee rewarding environment.

  • Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

No one moment stands out. It is the micro pleasures & milestones I have extracted every single day.



InSide InVideo

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