Individually, a drop. Together, an ocean. Hello, iStock!

InSide InVideo
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

A journey of how we added yet another feather to our cap.

If there’s one thing we meticulously do at InVideo, it is that we’re always listening to what our users are telling us.

Bill Gates once said, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”

Upon learning why users cancel their subscriptions, a good 20–30% were leaving us because of the lack of good stock footage. This was something we could definitely solve!

And we did.

Introducing, iStock to InVideo!

After months of planning and working super hard to bring this to life, we’re proud to announce that iStock is now a part of InVideo plans.

The world’s most loved video editor meets the world’s biggest media library.

InVideo is designed to facilitate online post-production and iStock provides the depth, breadth and quality royalty-free visuals that pushes creativity up by many notches, and adds an oomph factor to videos.

We’re bringing 8 million+ media to your fingertips! Which means, you could literally search for *anything* — and you’d find it. (Okay, 98% of times)

Having the right footage directly impacts retention of users, and that’s what’s most important to us at InVideo.

What about our existing users with paid plans?

If you have a Business plan, you’ll get unlimited premium media (storyblocks and shutterstock) + 10 iStock with your current plan. No upgrade required!

If you have an Unlimited plan, you’ll get unlimited premium media (storyblocks and shutterstock) + 120 iStock with your current plan. No upgrade required!

But wait, the benefits don’t end there. All subscribes will now get folders to organize their uploads as well!

If you’re a free user, please note that there will be NO InVideo watermark on your finished videos from here on. Instead, you can pay for any premium stock footage (including iStock) you use with our subscription plans!


We’re doing away with InVideo watermarks across videos! The only watermark you’ll have are from the stock footages across shutterstock, istock, etc.

And not just that, on exporting a video, free users get a list of premium media they’ve used and will be given the option to upgrade in order to export the video without a watermark!

And the best part of this?

Try it all for FREE!

We can’t wait to see you play your ideas.



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.