Since The Beginning, I Knew We Could Bring Change, One Video At A Time!

InSide InVideo
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2021

Doing what he absolutely and utterly loves is what drives our Content Lead Abhilash Hande to give his best. And best he gives!

How did you come across InVideo?

I’ve worked with the founding team before.

What was your interview experience like?

It was more of a brainstorm where we spoke about the vision for the company, the problem statements we were trying to solve, and how this would impact the world. The vision was big enough plus, it out and out revolved around video creation (my true love) which made this a no-brainer.

Why InVideo?

(1) An amazing and super aggressive founding team who are committed to building a world-class product and don’t give up when the going gets tough. I knew Sanket, and Harsh from before and have worked very closely with them in the past at their previous company, and I trusted them to do whatever it takes to make InVideo a world-class company.

(2) A very interesting and complex problem to solve at the heart of it all that keeps us up and running every day. It’s been a crazy learning curve since day one and I think there are only a handful of companies in India that could have provided for that kind of an aggressive learning environment. The number of things you get to try, fail at, and innovate on is insane.

(3) There have been only a handful of companies to be born out of India that truly cater to a global audience and what this has enabled me to do is understand the mindset of people from the west which is dramatically different from that of people in India. Plus, one also gets a sense of what it really takes to build a global product company.

(4) The core ethos that InVideo is built on- absolute customer-centricity and a penchant for always striving to do the right thing for our users no matter how difficult it gets at times. This has to be driven by the founding team and because of the kind of people they are and the core values they believe in, this has mitigated to every other member of the team and we openly celebrate it to the point where being super consumer-centric has become our brand identity.

Finally, what’s one moment/incident that stands out in your time at InVideo?

There are so many. But I think the one moment that would always stay with me is when we were transitioning from an enterprise-only model to a pure consumer model, and we didn’t really know what kind of customer support our users were expecting out of us.

Hence, we set the bar really high for ourselves and the whole team including the founders and engineers took turns manning the live support window to make sure we were available 24*7 for them.

We eventually streamlined this and set up a full support function, but this was the genesis for what was to become one of the primary reasons why people love us - world-class support 24*7/365.



InSide InVideo

The future of video creation is in the browser, across devices, collaborative and easy. With users in 150+ countries, here’s how we’re scaling InVideo.