Green Grimoire: Crucifer

Jeremy Puma
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2015

In the interest of pursuing the Great Work of Understanding and Participating in the Study of the Intersection between the world of Plants and that of Humanity, we are embarking upon the construction of a Green Grimoire.

This tome will contain the Names, Sigils, and Correspondences of the Spirits governing the Families of Plants and their uses. It will also contain the proper Invokations for these Spirits, and when their uses are appropriate.

The next Spirit in our Text is CRUCIFER. CRUCIFER is the Spirit which governs the BRASSICACEAE Family of Plants.

[caption id=”attachment_69" align=”alignnone” width=”225"]

Image Source: Brassica oleracea, wildtype from Heligoland[/caption]

Crucifer appears as a Four-horned, Green, Winged Goat, dressed in finery.

Its Ruler is Jupiter.

Its Element is Fire.

Its Incense is Mustard.

Its sigil is a Hexagon beneath an equal-armed cross, with ten unequal extensions. This sigil contains the form and pattern and numbers of the members of Crucifer’s Court.

Invoke CRUCIFER when planting or harvesting members of this plant family, or when utilizing members of this plant family for Remedies, to ensure great success. CRUCIFER may also be called upon for success with operations requiring fermentation.

Invokation of CRUCIFER:

Draw or trace the Sigil of Crucifer in the ground or upon a nearby Object, or Hold the Sigil in your Mind in GREEN or YELLOW LIGHT. Then, speaking aloud or in your Mind’s Eye, intone the following:

“CRUCIFER, Spirit of Brassicas, grant me success with my endeavour, which is….” Here, state the manner of your Operation. “Assist me in communing with the members of your Court in order for our mutual benefit, and for the benefit of the Life Force, that we may engage with one another Fruitfully, in Understanding.”

Statement of Gratitude to CRUCIFER for success:

Thank you, CRUCIFER, for lending a hand with my endeavour. I will work to expand the Provenance of your Court far and wide.”

Originally published at Invironment.



Jeremy Puma

Plants, Permaculture, Foraging, Food, and Paranormality. Resident Animist at Liminal.Earth