I Believe in Water

Lori McCray
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2017

We kill, in the name of God. Murder infidels, in the name of Peace. How can Love accept such hatred? You can explain it any way you like but it seems irrational to me. If God is Love, why would He condone specific hatreds? ‘You must all believe in the supremacy of _________.’ It’s never going to happen. It’s not possible (ask Hitler. ‘If we just get rid of so and so, the world will be so beautiful’. Ridiculous! Utter nonsense, yet people climb aboard because it appeals to some archaic ‘Us vs. Them’ mentality, leftover from childhood. Those targeting feel safe from being targeted (the old, ‘Get them before they get you’).

I don’t see Peace on our horizon. We need an anti-venom no one has discovered yet. One that works for everyone. Every One. We are all on this big beautiful planet together, and we must learn to get along, accept our differences, embrace our shared humanity, and yet we’re *still* obsessed with killing. God’s marvelous Creation ruined by man’s free will run amok.

Some days I wish I was a bird, but they kill too! The pond is plenty big enough for two swan families, but the alpha male will murder to defend and protect his territory. I have no answers. I’m tired of the venom. I want to understand how hate can dress as love and fool everyone at the party. ‘But didn’t you see that wicked gleam in those otherwise dead eyes?’ When the soul has been dis-connected, Love cannot reach the heart. Love withers on the vine. Dries, blackens and decays. What’s left is rhetoric.

We need something we can all believe in. Water. Water is good. Pure, clean water. Go ahead, tell me how I’m wrong. How some deserve and others don’t. Punish the wrong, the bad, the misguided, by withholding. Drink in front of them, to taunt them. Offer them what’s contaminated. Find greedy ways to usurp resources so you makes tons of money. Make people pay for what seems natural. Turn the haves against the have nots. Focus on scarcity.

We need one Gandhi-like soul to remember the initial premise. Water is good. There is enough for everyone.

LBM 9/28/17

the peace of wild things



Lori McCray

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wingthing/