It’s Too Late to Reverse Climate Change

Here’s what we’d need to have happen to meet the 2°C targets

Jeremy Puma
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2016


These are just a few examples for your consideration:

  • No more airport expansions:
  • Electrify almost all vehicles by 2035, using almost all renewable sources for electricity generation:
  • Actually discuss Climate Change as a non-niche subject at the highest possible levels of national discourse:
  • Reduce global carbon emissions — in both developed and developing nations — by 80% over the next 15 years:

It’s time to change the discussion from how to stop Climate Change to how to deal with its impacts.



Jeremy Puma

Plants, Permaculture, Foraging, Food, and Paranormality. Resident Animist at Liminal.Earth