Of Seeds and Doors and Metaphors

Lori McCray
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017

She knocks at the heart, waiting to be let in. She who has done no wrong, has been cast out in the cold, like a dog in the yard, forsaken. But she is quiet in her aloneness. She figures she deserves it. Complaining makes it worse.

The seeds of contemplation and observation began rooting in that girl, even as Love confused her. Her parents couldn’t explain, with words or by example, Love’s intricacies, so she looked for clues in nature. Birds tending their young, ants working together as a team, rocks holding sacred space became her rooted-ness, her belonging. Indeed, became her family.

Out of the seed of sitting, watching, waiting to be let in grew a Love of beauty. A whimsical wonder. An eye for the ephemeral. A dragonfly wing, sparkling on a Summer flower; magical! The Kingdom is Within makes sense to the outcast. Gather your hopes and dreams, keep them safe within your soul, where they cannot be derided. Love knocks at the heart’s door, and the girl springs up to answer. “You’re always welcome here!” she says. “Without you, nothing beautiful can stay, and all those pretty promises mean nothing.”

Love draws the girl close, kissing her sweet head and promises she’ll never leave her. The girl, devoted and surrendered, trusts Love’s promises are true. The door swung open, stays open. Love is her protect-tress and defender. Strong and wise, Love is the portal to eternity’s Perfection.

LBM 8/16/17

Magical (my photograph. You may borrow it but don’t steal it… I got Lyme Disease for that pic, i’ve earned it).



Lori McCray

Photographer, Poet, Musician, Mother, Mystic, Gardener, friend of wild creatures, swan whisperer. Find me on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wingthing/