Should You Pay for a Permaculture Design Course?

Jeremy Puma
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2015


I agree — these are really good questions! This is one of the reasons I chose to take my PDC through a private college, as part of a broader, year-long curriculum, instead of at somebody’s farm or homestead over the course of two or three weeks. Granted, I’m paying college-level tuition and fees, but it feels a lot less “janky” than going out to somebody’s place and doing their work for them, basically paying to be somebody’s “unpaid intern” for a weekend.

But! I think it depends, too, on who is doing the teaching and what you’re learning. I hear very positive things about the PDC offered by the Bullocks, for example. And, you also can’t argue that people should teach their hard-learned skills for “free,” either.

I think ideally it would be cool to have something like a “guild system,” but modified to recognize fair labor practices. Like a “work study.” So, for instance, if you were an “apprentice,” you might pay a certain amount up front for the class, but the labor you performed would be compensated as an offset for the ‘tuition.’



Jeremy Puma

Plants, Permaculture, Foraging, Food, and Paranormality. Resident Animist at Liminal.Earth