While I Was Away

Elie Wolf
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2018
African elephant

After the crash, I continued to edit and share wildlife photos, but it was sparse for awhile, and I didn’t write.

I’ve missed it.

Please allow me to explain.

On August 17 of last year, I was cruising home on my motorcycle after a long shift at the hospital.

A truck hit me and changed me life.

I was critically wounded, nearly killed.

But here I am, ever ready to continue my mission.

The photos I’ll share here are just a few that I continued to edit during my convalescence.

Barred owl

I didn’t have the use of both hands for awhile, so editing was slow, but I taught myself to type and use a pen again.

And with the help of many who cared for me, I learned to walk again.

Soon, I’ll be back out on the trails with the camera.

In the meantime, please enjoy some of the faces of our brothers and sisters who share this precious planet with us. They kept me company while I was away.

American alligator (left) — Bald eagle (right)
Sumatran tiger (top left) — Gray wolf (top right)-American alligator hatchling (bottom left)-Silverback Western lowland gorilla (bottom right)
Grevy’s zebra
Angingha (left)-Pelican over Santa Rosa beach, Florida (right)
Gray wolf (left)-Blue macaw (right)
American alligator (highwalking to a pond)-Eastern screech owl
Peregrine falcon (fastest animal on the planet!)
Precious family of a mother mallard duck and her ducklings
Gray wolves on a north Florida wolf preserve

As you can see, I’ve kept myself busy. Within two weeks of having several major surgeries — one which basically reattached my left hand and turned me cyborg — I was editing photos. There are hundreds more that were published and I’ll provide the links below.

I missed you guys and gals, and I hope this little smattering of photos is enjoyable for you and helps to inspire you towards passion and a love for other beings.

Please continue with me as I resume my wildlife and nature conservation journey.

Me in some marsh wetlands



Elie Wolf

Wildlife Artist & Photographer - Advocating For Animals Through The Visual Arts